
A transaction is a sequence of operations performed as a single logical unit of work. A transaction has the following four key properties, commonly abbreviated as ACID:

  • Atomicity All the work in a transaction is treated as a single atomic unit - either all of it is performed or none of it is.

  • Consistency A completed transaction leaves the database in a consistent internal state. This can either be all the operations in the transactions succeeding or none of them succeeding.

  • Isolation This property determines how and when changes made by one transaction become visible to the other. For example, a serializable isolation level guarantees that two concurrent transactions appear as if one executed after the other (that is, as if they occur in a completely isolated fashion). YugabyteDB supports Snapshot isolation level in the YCQL API. Read more about the different levels of isolation.

  • Durability The results of the transaction are permanently stored in the system. The modifications must persist even in the instance of power loss or system failures.


Although YugabyteDB supports only Snapshot isolation level in the YCQL API, it supports three levels of isolation in the YSQL API: Snapshot, Serializable, and Read Committed.

Transactions property

To enable distributed transactions on tables in YCQL, create tables with the transactions property enabled, as follows:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <TABLE_NAME> (...) WITH transactions = { 'enabled' : true };

Example with ycqlsh

Create keyspace and table

Create a keyspace:

ycqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE banking;

Create a table with the transactions property set enabled as follows:

ycqlsh> CREATE TABLE banking.accounts (
  account_name varchar,
  account_type varchar,
  balance float,
  PRIMARY KEY ((account_name), account_type)
) with transactions = { 'enabled' : true };

You can verify that this table has transactions enabled on it by running the following query:

ycqlsh> select keyspace_name, table_name, transactions from system_schema.tables
where keyspace_name='banking' AND table_name = 'accounts';
 keyspace_name | table_name | transactions
       banking |   accounts | {'enabled': 'true'}

(1 rows)
Insert sample data

Seed the table with some sample data as follows:

INSERT INTO banking.accounts (account_name, account_type, balance) VALUES ('John', 'savings', 1000);
INSERT INTO banking.accounts (account_name, account_type, balance) VALUES ('John', 'checking', 100);
INSERT INTO banking.accounts (account_name, account_type, balance) VALUES ('Smith', 'savings', 2000);
INSERT INTO banking.accounts (account_name, account_type, balance) VALUES ('Smith', 'checking', 50);

Show the balances for John and Smith:

ycqlsh> select * from banking.accounts;
 account_name | account_type | balance
         John |     checking |     100
         John |      savings |    1000
        Smith |     checking |      50
        Smith |      savings |    2000

Check John's balance as follows:

ycqlsh> SELECT SUM(balance) as Johns_balance FROM banking.accounts WHERE account_name='John';

Check Smith's balance as follows:

ycqlsh> SELECT SUM(balance) as smiths_balance FROM banking.accounts WHERE account_name='Smith';
Execute a transaction

Suppose John transfers $200 from his savings account to his checking account. This has to be a transactional operation. This can be achieved as follows:

  UPDATE banking.accounts SET balance = balance - 200 WHERE account_name='John' AND account_type='savings';
  UPDATE banking.accounts SET balance = balance + 200 WHERE account_name='John' AND account_type='checking';

If you now selected the value of John's account, you should see the amounts reflected. The total balance should be the same $1100 as before.

ycqlsh> select * from banking.accounts where account_name='John';
 account_name | account_type | balance
         John |     checking |     300
         John |      savings |     800

Check John's balance as follows:

ycqlsh> SELECT SUM(balance) as Johns_balance FROM banking.accounts WHERE account_name='John';

Further, the checking and savings account balances for John should have been written at the same write timestamp.

ycqlsh> select account_name, account_type, balance, writetime(balance)
from banking.accounts where account_name='John';
 account_name | account_type | balance | writetime(balance)
         John |     checking |     300 |   1517898028890171
         John |      savings |     800 |   1517898028890171

Now suppose John transfers the $200 from his checking account to Smith's checking account. You can accomplish this with the following transaction:

  UPDATE banking.accounts SET balance = balance - 200 WHERE account_name='John' AND account_type='checking';
  UPDATE banking.accounts SET balance = balance + 200 WHERE account_name='Smith' AND account_type='checking';

To verify the transfer was made as intended, and also verify that the time at which the two accounts were updated are identical, perform the following query:

ycqlsh> select account_name, account_type, balance, writetime(balance) from banking.accounts;
 account_name | account_type | balance | writetime(balance)
         John |     checking |     100 |   1517898167629366
         John |      savings |     800 |   1517898028890171
        Smith |     checking |     250 |   1517898167629366
        Smith |      savings |    2000 |   1517894361290020

The net balance for John should have decreased by $200, and that of Smith should have increased by $200.

Check John's balance as follows:

ycqlsh> SELECT SUM(balance) as Johns_balance FROM banking.accounts WHERE account_name='John';

Check Smith's balance as follows:

ycqlsh> SELECT SUM(balance) as smiths_balance FROM banking.accounts WHERE account_name='Smith';

Example in Java

Create the table

The following example shows how to create a basic key-value table which has two columns with transactions enabled:

String create_stmt =
  String.format("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (k varchar, v varchar, primary key (k)) " +
                "WITH transactions = { 'enabled' : true };",
Insert or update data

You can insert data by performing the sequence of commands inside a BEGIN TRANSACTION and END TRANSACTION block.

  statement 1
  statement 2

The following code snippet shows how you would insert data into this table:

// Insert two key values, (key1, value1) and (key2, value2) as a transaction.
String create_stmt =
  String.format("BEGIN TRANSACTION" +
                "  INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (%s, %s);" +
                "  INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (%s, %s);" +
                "END TRANSACTION;",
                tablename, key1, value1,
                tablename, key2, value2;
Prepare-bind transactions

You can prepare statements with transactions and bind variables to the prepared statements when executing the query.

String create_stmt =
  String.format("BEGIN TRANSACTION" +
                "  INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (:k1, :v1);" +
                "  INSERT INTO %s (k, v) VALUES (:k1, :v2);" +
                "END TRANSACTION;",
                tablename, key1, value1,
                tablename, key2, value2;
PreparedStatement pstmt = client.prepare(create_stmt);


BoundStatement txn1 = pstmt.bind().setString("k1", key1)
                                  .setString("v1", value1)
                                  .setString("k2", key2)
                                  .setString("v2", value2);

ResultSet resultSet = client.execute(txn1);

Note on linearizability

Automatic retries can break linearizability of operations from the client point of view.

By default, the original Cassandra Java driver and the YugabyteDB Cassandra Java driver use com.datastax.driver.core.policies.DefaultRetryPolicy, which can retry requests upon timeout on the client side. Under network partitions, this can lead to the case where the client gets a successful response to a retried request and treats the operation as completed, but the value might get overwritten by an older operation due to retries.

To avoid these linearizability issues, add com.yugabyte.driver.core.policies.NoRetryOnClientTimeoutPolicy, which inherits behavior from DefaultRetryPolicy with one exception - it results in an error in cases where the operation times out (with OperationTimedOutException). You can then handle client timeouts in the application layer.