PostgreSQL extensions

PostgreSQL extensions provide a way to extend the functionality of a database by bundling SQL objects into a package and using them as a unit. YugabyteDB supports a number of PostgreSQL extensions.

PostgreSQL extensions supported by YugabyteDB

Extensions are either pre-bundled with YugabyteDB, or require installation:

  • Pre-bundled extensions are included in the standard YugabyteDB distribution and can be enabled in YSQL by running the CREATE EXTENSION statement.
  • Requires installation - you must install these extensions manually before you can enable them using CREATE EXTENSION. Refer to Install extensions.

For information about using a specific extension in YugabyteDB, use the Example links in the following tables.

PostgreSQL modules

YugabyteDB supports the following PostgreSQL modules. All of these modules are pre-bundled.

Module Description
auto_explain Provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically.
file_fdw Provides the foreign-data wrapper file_fdw, which can be used to access data files in the server's file system.
fuzzystrmatch Provides several functions to determine similarities and distance between strings.
hstore Implements the hstore data type for storing sets of key-value pairs in a single PostgreSQL value. See hstore in the PostgreSQL documentation.
passwordcheck Checks user passwords whenever they are set with CREATE ROLE or ALTER ROLE. If a password is considered too weak, it is rejected.
pgcrypto Provides various cryptographic functions.
pg_stat_statements Provides a means for tracking execution statistics of all SQL statements executed by a server.
pg_trgm Provides functions and operators for determining the similarity of alphanumeric text based on trigram matching, as well as index operator classes that support fast searching for similar strings. See pg_trgm in the PostgreSQL documentation.
postgres_fdw Provides the foreign-data wrapper postgres_fdw, which can be used to access data stored in external PostgreSQL servers.
spi Lets you use the Server Programming Interface (SPI) to create user-defined functions and stored procedures in C, and to run YSQL queries directly against YugabyteDB.
sslinfo Provides information about the SSL certificate that the current client provided when connecting to PostgreSQL. See sslinfo in the PostgreSQL documentation.
tablefunc Provides several table functions. For example, normal_rand() creates values, picked using a pseudorandom generator, from an ideal normal distribution. You specify how many values you want, and the mean and standard deviation of the ideal distribution. You use it in the same way that you use generate_series()
uuid-ossp Provides functions to generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs), and functions to produce certain special UUID constants.

Other extensions

Extension Status Description Examples
HypoPG Pre-bundled Create hypothetical indexes to test whether an index can increase performance for problematic queries without consuming any actual resources. Example
pg_hint_plan Pre-bundled Tweak execution plans using "hints", which are descriptions in the form of SQL comments. Example
PGAudit Pre-bundled The PostgreSQL Audit Extension (pgAudit) provides detailed session and/or object audit logging via the standard PostgreSQL logging facility. Install and example
pg_stat_monitor Pre-bundled A PostgreSQL query performance monitoring tool, based on the PostgreSQL pg_stat_statements module.
Orafce Pre-bundled Provides compatibility with Oracle functions and packages that are either missing or implemented differently in YugabyteDB and PostgreSQL. This compatibility layer can help you port your Oracle applications to YugabyteDB.
PostGIS Requires installation A spatial database extender for PostgreSQL-compatible object-relational databases. Install and example
postgresql-hll Pre-bundled Adds the data type hll, which is a HyperLogLog data structure. Example
pgsql-postal Requires installation Parse and normalize street addresses around the world using libpostal. Install and example

Install extensions

If an extension is not pre-bundled, you need to install it manually before you can enable it using the CREATE EXTENSION statement. You can install only extensions that are supported by YugabyteDB.

Currently, in a multi-node setup, you need to install the extension on every node in the cluster.

In a read replica setup, install extensions on the primary instance, not on the read replica. Once installed, the extension replicates to the read replica.

You cannot install new extensions in YugabyteDB Managed. If you need a database extension that is not pre-bundled with YugabyteDB added to a YugabyteDB Managed cluster, contact Yugabyte Support with the names of the cluster and extension, or reach out on Slack.

Install an extension

Typically, extensions need three types of files:

  • Shared library files (<name>.so)
  • SQL files (<name>--<version>.sql)
  • Control files (<name>.control)

To install an extension, you need to copy these files into the respective directories of your YugabyteDB installation.

Shared library files go in the pkglibdir directory, while SQL and control files go in the extension subdirectory of the libdir directory.

You can obtain the installation files for the target extension in two ways:

  • Build the extension from scratch following the extension's build instructions.
  • Copy the files from an existing PostgreSQL installation.

After copying the files, restart the cluster (or the respective node in a multi-node install).

Locate installation directories using pg_config

To find the directories where you install the extension files on your local installation, use the YugabyteDB pg_config executable.

First, alias it to yb_pg_config by replacing <yugabyte-path> with the path to your YugabyteDB installation as follows:

alias yb_pg_config=/<yugabyte-path>/postgres/bin/pg_config

List existing shared libraries with:

ls "$(yb_pg_config --pkglibdir)"

List SQL and control files for already-installed extensions with:

ls "$(yb_pg_config --sharedir)"/extension/

Copy extensions from PostgreSQL

The easiest way to install an extension is to copy the files from an existing PostgreSQL installation.

Ideally, use the same version of the PostgreSQL extension as that used by YugabyteDB. To see the version of PostgreSQL used in your YugabyteDB installation, enter the following ysqlsh command:

./bin/ysqlsh --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 11.2-YB-

If you already have PostgreSQL (use version 11.2 for best YSQL compatibility) with the extension installed, you can find the extension's files as follows:

ls "$(pg_config --pkglibdir)" | grep <name>
ls "$(pg_config --sharedir)"/extension/ | grep <name>

If you have multiple PostgreSQL versions installed, make sure you're selecting the correct pg_config. On an Ubuntu 18.04 environment with multiple PostgreSQL versions installed:

pg_config --version
PostgreSQL 13.0 (Ubuntu 13.0-1.pgdg18.04+1)
/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_config --version
PostgreSQL 11.9 (Ubuntu 11.9-1.pgdg18.04+1)

In this case, you should be using /usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_config.

On CentOS, the correct path is /usr/pgsql-11/bin/pg_config.

Use PostgreSQL extensions


The auto_explain PostgreSQL module provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically, without having to run EXPLAIN by hand. This is especially helpful for tracking down un-optimized queries in large applications.

To enable the auto_explain extension, add auto_explain to shared_preload_libraries in the PostgreSQL server configuration parameters using the YB-TServer --ysql_pg_conf_csv flag:


Note that modifying shared_preload_libraries requires restarting the YB-TServer.

You can customize the following auto_explain parameters:

Parameter Description Default
log_min_duration Minimum statement execution time, in milliseconds, that will cause the statement's plan to be logged. Setting this to zero logs all plans. Minus-one (the default) disables logging. For example, if you set it to 250ms then all statements that run 250ms or longer will be logged. Only superusers can change this setting. -1
log_analyze Print EXPLAIN ANALYZE output, rather than just EXPLAIN output when an execution plan is logged. When on, per-plan-node timing occurs for all statements executed, whether or not they run long enough to actually get logged. This can have an extremely negative impact on performance. Turning off log_timing ameliorates the performance cost, at the price of obtaining less information. Only superusers can change this setting. false
log_buffers Print buffer usage statistics when an execution plan is logged; equivalent to the BUFFERS option of EXPLAIN. Has no effect unless log_analyze is enabled. Only superusers can change this setting. false
log_timing Print per-node timing information when an execution plan is logged; equivalent to the TIMING option of EXPLAIN. The overhead of repeatedly reading the system clock can slow down queries significantly on some systems, so it may be beneficial to set this parameter to off when only actual row counts, and not exact times, are needed. Has no effect unless log_analyze is enabled. Only superusers can change this setting. true
log_triggers Include trigger execution statistics when an execution plan is logged. Has no effect unless log_analyze is enabled. Only superusers can change this setting. false
log_verbose Print verbose details when an execution plan is logged; equivalent to the VERBOSE option of EXPLAIN. Only superusers can change this setting. false
log_format The format of the EXPLAIN output. Allowed values are text, xml, json, and yaml. Only superusers can change this setting. text
log_nested_statements Consider nested statements (statements executed inside a function) for logging. When off, only top-level query plans are logged. Only superusers can change this setting. false
sample_rate Explain only a set fraction of the statements in each session. The default 1 means explain all the queries. In case of nested statements, either all will be explained or none. Only superusers can change this setting. 1

Note that the default behavior is to do nothing, so you must set at least auto_explain.log_min_duration if you want any results.

auto_explain example

To change auto_explain parameters, use the SET statement. For example:

SET auto_explain.log_min_duration = 0;
SET auto_explain.log_analyze = true;
SELECT count(*)
    FROM pg_class, pg_index
    WHERE oid = indrelid AND indisunique;

This produces log output similar to the following in the PostgreSQL log file in the tserver/logs directory:

LOG:  duration: 316.556 ms  plan:
        Query Text: SELECT count(*)
                   FROM pg_class, pg_index
                   WHERE oid = indrelid AND indisunique;
        Aggregate  (cost=216.39..216.40 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=316.489..316.489 rows=1 loops=1)
          ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..213.89 rows=1000 width=0) (actual time=10.828..316.200 rows=110 loops=1)
                ->  Seq Scan on pg_index  (cost=0.00..100.00 rows=1000 width=4) (actual time=7.465..8.068 rows=110 loops=1)
                      Remote Filter: indisunique
                ->  Index Scan using pg_class_oid_index on pg_class  (cost=0.00..0.11 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=2.673..2.673 rows=1 loops=110)
                      Index Cond: (oid = pg_index.indrelid)

file_fdw example

The file_fdw module provides the foreign-data wrapper file_fdw, which can be used to access data files in the server's file system, or to execute programs on the server and read their output.

To enable the extension:


Create a foreign server:


Now, you can create foreign tables that access data from files. For example:

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE employees (id int, employee_name varchar) SERVER my_server OPTIONS (filename 'employees.csv', format 'csv');

You can execute SELECT statements on the foreign tables to access the data in the corresponding files.

fuzzystrmatch example

The fuzzystrmatch module provides several functions to determine similarities and distance between strings.

CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;

SELECT levenshtein('Yugabyte', 'yugabyte'), metaphone('yugabyte', 8);
 levenshtein | metaphone
           2 | YKBT
(1 row)

HypoPG example

The HypoPG PostgreSQL extension adds support for hypothetical indexes. Use hypothetical indexes to test whether adding an index improves the performance of problematic queries, without expending resources to create them.

To enable the extension:


Create a table as follows:

CREATE TABLE up_and_down (up int primary key, down int);
INSERT INTO up_and_down SELECT a AS up, 10001-a AS down FROM generate_series(1,10000) a;

The up_and_down table has no indexes, but is defined with a primary key. As a result, when using the primary key, records are retrieved directly:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM up_and_down WHERE up = 999;
                                     QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using up_and_down_pkey on up_and_down  (cost=0.00..4.11 rows=1 width=8)
   Index Cond: (up = 999)

However, because it doesn't have an index, fetching a value from the down column results in a sequential scan:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM up_and_down WHERE down = 999;
                           QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on up_and_down  (cost=0.00..102.50 rows=1000 width=8)
   Filter: (down = 999)

To see what would happen if you were to create an index for the down column without actually creating the index, use HypoPG as follows:

SELECT * FROM hypopg_create_index('create index on up_and_down(down)');
 indexrelid |          indexname
      13283 | <13283>lsm_up_and_down_down

Explain now shows that the planner would use the index:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM up_and_down WHERE down = 999;
                                            QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using <13283>lsm_up_and_down_down on up_and_down  (cost=0.00..4.01 rows=1000 width=8)
   Index Cond: (down = 999)

As the index is not really created, if you use EXPLAIN ANALYZE, the hypothetical index is ignored:

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM up_and_down WHERE down = 999;
                                                 QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on up_and_down  (cost=0.00..102.50 rows=1000 width=8) (actual time=35.678..35.687 rows=1 loops=1)
   Filter: (down = 999)
   Rows Removed by Filter: 9999
 Planning Time: 0.041 ms
 Execution Time: 35.735 ms
 Peak Memory Usage: 0 kB

You can query the hypothetical indexes you created using the hypopg() function:

SELECT * FROM hypopg();
          indexname          | indexrelid | indrelid | innatts | indisunique | indkey | indcollation | indclass | indoption | indexprs | indpred | amid
 <13283>lsm_up_and_down_down |      13283 |    16927 |       1 | f           | 2      | 0            | 9942     |           |          |         | 9900

If you create multiple hypothetical indexes, you can drop a single hypothetical index using its indexrelid as follows:

SELECT * FROM hypopg_drop_index(13283);

To remove all hypothetical indexes, log out or quit your session.


For more information, refer to the HypoPG documentation.


The passwordcheck PostgreSQL module provides a means to check user passwords whenever they are set with CREATE ROLE or ALTER ROLE. If a password is considered too weak, it will be rejected and the command will terminate with an error.

To enable the passwordcheck extension, add passwordcheck to shared_preload_libraries in the PostgreSQL server configuration parameters using the YB-TServer --ysql_pg_conf_csv flag:


Note that modifying shared_preload_libraries requires restarting the YB-TServer.

You can customize the following passwordcheck parameters:

Parameter Description Default
minimum_length Minimum password length. 8
maximum_length Maximum password length. 15
restrict_lower Passwords must include a lowercase character. true
restrict_upper Passwords must include an uppercase character. true
restrict_numbers Passwords must include a number. true
restrict_special Passwords must include a special character. true
special_chars The set of special characters. !@#$%^&*()_+{}|<>?=

For example, the following flag changes the minimum and maximum passwordcheck lengths:


passwordcheck example

You can change passwordcheck parameters for the current session only using a SET statement. For example, to increase the maximum length allowed and not require numbers, execute the following commands:

SET passwordcheck.maximum_length TO 20;
SET passwordcheck.restrict_numbers TO false;

When enabled, if a password is considered too weak, it's rejected with an error. For example:

yugabyte=# create role test_role password 'tooshrt';
ERROR:  password is too short
yugabyte=# create role test_role password 'nonumbers';
ERROR:  password must contain both letters and nonletters
yugabyte=# create role test_role password '12test_role12';
ERROR:  password must not contain user name

The passwordcheck extension only works for passwords that are provided in plain text. For more information, refer to the PostgreSQL passwordcheck documentation.

pgcrypto example

The pgcrypto module provides cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL.

CREATE TABLE pgcrypto_example(id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), content text, digest text);
INSERT INTO pgcrypto_example (content, digest) values ('abc', digest('abc', 'sha1'));

SELECT * FROM pgcrypto_example;
                  id                  | content |                   digest
 b8f2e2f7-0b8d-4d26-8902-fa4f5277869d | abc     | \xa9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d
(1 row)

pg_stat_statements example

The pg_stat_statements module provides a means for tracking execution statistics of all SQL statements executed by a server.

CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;

SELECT query, calls, total_time, min_time, max_time, mean_time, stddev_time, rows FROM pg_stat_statements;

To get the output of pg_stat_statements in JSON format, visit https://<yb-tserver-ip>:13000/statements in your web browser, where <yb-tserver-ip> is the IP address of any YB-TServer node in your cluster.

For more information on using pg_stat_statements in YugabyteDB, refer to Get query statistics using pg_stat_statements.

postgres_fdw example

The postgres_fdw module provides the foreign-data wrapper postgres_fdw, which can be used to access data stored in external PostgreSQL servers.

First, enable the extension:

CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;

To connect to a remote YSQL or PostgreSQL database, create a foreign server object. Specify the connection information (except the username and password) using the OPTIONS clause:

CREATE SERVER my_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host 'host_ip', dbname 'external_db', port 'port_number');

Specify the username and password using CREATE USER MAPPING:

CREATE USER MAPPING FOR mylocaluser SERVER my_server OPTIONS (user 'remote_user', password 'password');

You can now create foreign tables using CREATE FOREIGN TABLE and IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA:

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE table_name (colname1 int, colname2 int) SERVER my_server OPTIONS (schema_name 'schema', table_name 'table');
IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA foreign_schema_name FROM SERVER my_server INTO local_schema_name;

You can execute SELECT statements on the foreign tables to access the data in the corresponding remote tables.

spi example

The spi module provides several workable examples of using the Server Programming Interface (SPI) and triggers.

YugabyteDB supports the following four (of five — timetravel is not currently supported) extensions provided in the spi module:

  • autoinc functions auto-increment fields.
  • insert_username functions track who changed a table.
  • moddatetime functions track last modification times.
  • refint functions implement referential integrity.
  1. Set up a table with triggers for tracking modification time and user (role). Connect using ysqlsh and run the following commands:

    CREATE EXTENSION insert_username;
    CREATE EXTENSION moddatetime;
    CREATE TABLE spi_test (
      id int primary key,
      content text,
      username text not null,
    CREATE TRIGGER insert_usernames
      EXECUTE PROCEDURE insert_username (username);
    CREATE TRIGGER update_moddatetime
      BEFORE UPDATE ON spi_test
      EXECUTE PROCEDURE moddatetime (moddate);
  2. Insert some rows. Each insert should add the current role as username and the current timestamp as moddate.

    SET ROLE yugabyte;
    INSERT INTO spi_test VALUES(1, 'desc1');
    SET ROLE postgres;
    INSERT INTO spi_test VALUES(2, 'desc2');
    INSERT INTO spi_test VALUES(3, 'desc3');
    SET ROLE yugabyte;
    INSERT INTO spi_test VALUES(4, 'desc4');
    SELECT * FROM spi_test ORDER BY id;
     id | content | username |          moddate
      1 | desc1   | yugabyte | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.969907
      2 | desc2   | postgres | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.983306
      3 | desc3   | postgres | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.98658
      4 | desc4   | yugabyte | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.991315
    (4 rows)

    The yugabyte and (for compatibility) postgres YSQL users are created by default.

  3. Update some rows. This should update both username and moddate accordingly.

    UPDATE spi_test SET content = 'desc1_updated' WHERE id = 1;
    UPDATE spi_test SET content = 'desc3_updated' WHERE id = 3;
    SELECT * FROM spi_test ORDER BY id;
    id |    content    | username |          moddate
      1 | desc1_updated | yugabyte | 2019-09-13 16:56:27.623513
      2 | desc2         | postgres | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.983306
      3 | desc3_updated | yugabyte | 2019-09-13 16:56:27.634099
      4 | desc4         | yugabyte | 2019-09-13 16:55:53.991315
    (4 rows)

tablefunc example

The tablefunc module includes various functions that return tables (that is, multiple rows).


CREATE TABLE t(k int primary key, v double precision);

PREPARE insert_k_v_pairs(int) AS
  generate_series(1, $1),
  normal_rand($1, 1000.0, 10.0);

Test it as follows:


EXECUTE insert_k_v_pairs(10);

SELECT k, to_char(v, '9999.99') AS v

You'll see results similar to the following:

 k  |    v
  1 |   988.53
  2 |  1005.18
  3 |  1014.30
  4 |  1000.92
  5 |   999.51
  6 |  1000.94
  7 |  1007.45
  8 |   991.22
  9 |   987.95
 10 |   996.57
(10 rows)

Every time you repeat the test, you'll see different generated values for v.

For another example that uses normal_rand(), refer to Analyzing a normal distribution with percent_rank(), cume_dist() and ntile(). It populates a table with a large number (say 100,000) of rows and displays the outcome as a histogram that clearly shows the familiar bell-curve shape.

tablefunc also provides the connectby(), crosstab(), and crosstabN() functions.

The connectby() function displays a hierarchy of the kind that you see in an "employees" table with a reflexive foreign key constraint where "manager_id" refers to "employee_id". Each next deeper level in the tree is indented from its parent following the well-known pattern.

The crosstab()and crosstabN() functions produce "pivot" displays. The "N" in crosstabN() indicates the fact that a few, crosstab1(), crosstab2(), crosstab3(), are provided natively by the extension and that you can follow documented steps to create more.

uuid-ossp example

The uuid-ossp module provides functions to generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) using one of several standard algorithms.

First, install the extension:


Connect using ysqlsh and run the following:

SELECT uuid_generate_v1(), uuid_generate_v4(), uuid_nil();
           uuid_generate_v1           |           uuid_generate_v4           |               uuid_nil
 69975ce4-d827-11e9-b860-bf2e5a7e1380 | 088a9b6c-46d8-4276-852b-64908b06a503 | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
(1 row)

postgresql-hll example

The postgresql-hll extension adds a new data type hll, which is a HyperLogLog data structure. HyperLogLog is a fixed-size, set-like structure used for distinct value counting with tunable precision. For example, in 1280 bytes hll can estimate the count of tens of billions of distinct values with only a few percent error.

First, enable the extension:


To run the helloworld example from the postgresql-hll repository, connect using ysqlsh and run the following:

CREATE TABLE helloworld (id integer, set hll);

Insert an empty HLL as follows:

INSERT INTO helloworld(id, set) VALUES (1, hll_empty());

Add a hashed integer to the HLL as follows:

UPDATE helloworld SET set = hll_add(set, hll_hash_integer(12345)) WHERE id = 1;

Add a hashed string to the HLL as follows:

UPDATE helloworld SET set = hll_add(set, hll_hash_text('hello world')) WHERE id = 1;

Get the cardinality of the HLL as follows:

SELECT hll_cardinality(set) FROM helloworld WHERE id = 1;
(1 row)

For a more advanced example, see the Data Warehouse Use Case.

PostGIS example

YSQL does not yet support GiST indexes. This is tracked in GitHub issue #1337.

Install PostGIS


There are two ways to install PostGIS on macOS:

  • Download and install

  • Or, install with Homebrew:

    brew install postgres postgis

Add the PostgreSQL APT sources. Then, use apt to install:

sudo apt-get install postgresql-11 postgresql-11-postgis-3

Get the YUM repository from the PostgreSQL website. Then, use yum or dnf to install:

sudo yum install postgresql11-server postgis31_11 postgis31_11-client

Install the extension

Copy the extension files to your YugabyteDB installation as follows:

cp -v "$(pg_config --pkglibdir)"/*postgis*.so "$(yb_pg_config --pkglibdir)" &&
cp -v "$(pg_config --sharedir)"/extension/*postgis*.sql "$(yb_pg_config --sharedir)"/extension &&
cp -v "$(pg_config --sharedir)"/extension/*postgis*.control "$(yb_pg_config --sharedir)"/extension

On Linux systems, PostGIS libraries have dependencies that must also be installed. Use the extensions option of the post-install tool, available in YugabyteDB 2.3.2 and later, as follows:

./bin/ -e

Then, create the extension:

./bin/ysqlsh -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

This may take a couple of minutes.


  1. Get a sample PostGIS dataset:

    wget -O "" && unzip
  2. Extract the dataset using the shp2pgsql tool. This should come with your PostgreSQL installation — it is not yet packaged with YSQL.

    shp2pgsql geo_export_*.shp > edmonton.sql
  3. Edit the generated edmonton.sql for YSQL compatibility.

    • First, inline the PRIMARY KEY declaration for gid as YSQL does not yet support adding primary key constraints after the table creation.
    • Additionally, for simplicity, change the table name (and references to it in the associated INSERT statements) to just geo_export (in other words, remove the UUID postfix).

    The edmonton.sql file should now start as follows:

    CREATE TABLE "geo_export" (gid serial PRIMARY KEY,
      "area_km2" numeric,
      "name" varchar(254),
      "number" numeric);
    SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','geo_export','geom','0','MULTIPOLYGON',2);
    INSERT INTO "geo_export" ("area_km2","name","number",geom) VALUES ...
  4. Load the sample data.

    ./bin/ysqlsh -a -f edmonton.sql
  5. Run some sample queries. Connect using ysqlsh and run the following:

    SELECT name, area_km2, ST_Area(geom), ST_Area(geom)/area_km2 AS area_ratio FROM "geo_export" LIMIT 10;
                name            |     area_km2      |       st_area        |      area_ratio
    River Valley Terwillegar   | 3.077820277027079 | 0.000416617423004673 | 0.000135361192501822
    Carleton Square Industrial | 0.410191631391664 | 5.56435079305678e-05 | 0.000135652469899947
    Cy Becker                  | 1.015144841249301 | 0.000137900847258255 | 0.000135843518732308
    Elsinore                   | 0.841471068786406 | 0.000114331091817771 |  0.00013587049639468
    McLeod                     | 0.966538217483227 | 0.000131230296771637 | 0.000135773520796051
    Gainer Industrial          | 0.342464541730177 | 4.63954326887451e-05 | 0.000135475142782225
    Coronet Industrial         | 1.606907195063447 | 0.000217576340986435 | 0.000135400688760899
    Marquis                    | 9.979100854886905 |  0.00135608901739072 | 0.000135892906295924
    South Terwillegar          | 1.742840325820606 | 0.000235695089933611 | 0.000135236192576985
    Carlisle                   | 0.961897333826841 | 0.000130580966739925 | 0.000135753538499185
    (10 rows)
    SELECT, FROM "geo_export" AS a, "geo_export" AS b
    WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.geom) AND LIKE 'University of Alberta';
            name          |          name
    University of Alberta | University of Alberta
    University of Alberta | McKernan
    University of Alberta | Belgravia
    University of Alberta | Garneau
    University of Alberta | River Valley Mayfair
    University of Alberta | River Valley Walterdale
    University of Alberta | Windsor Park
    (7 rows)

pgsql-postal example

The pgsql-postal extension parses and normalizes street addresses around the world using libpostal.


First install libpostal from source locally:

`make -j$(nproc) && sudo make install`

To build pgsql-postal against the correct PostgreSQL version for YugabyteDB compatibility, install PostgreSQL 11 on your system as described in the PostGIS example.

Build pgsql-postal from source locally. First make sure to set PG_CONFIG in Makefile to the correct PostgreSQL version (for example, on CentOS PG_CONFIG=/usr/pgsql-11/bin/pg_config), then run make.

Copy the needed files into your YugabyteDB installation:

cp -v /usr/local/lib/* "$(yb_pg_config --pkglibdir)" &&
cp -v postal-1.0.sql postal.control "$(yb_pg_config --sharedir)"/extension

On Linux systems, run the post-install tool:

./bin/ -e

Create the extension:

./bin/ysqlsh -c "CREATE EXTENSION postal"


Run some sample queries by connecting using ysqlsh and running the following:

SELECT unnest(postal_normalize('412 first ave, victoria, bc'));
 412 1st avenue victoria british columbia
 412 1st avenue victoria bc
 412 1 avenue victoria british columbia
 412 1 avenue victoria bc
(4 rows)
SELECT postal_parse('412 first ave, victoria, bc');
 {"city": "victoria", "road": "first ave", "state": "bc", "house_number": "412"}
(1 row)