yb-voyager CLI reference

yb-voyager command line interface

yb-voyager is a command line executable for migrating databases from PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MySQL to a YugabyteDB database.


yb-voyager [ <migration-step>... ] [ <arguments> ... ]

Command line help

To display the available online help, run:

yb-voyager --help

To display the available online help for any migration step, run:

yb-voyager [ <migration-step>... ] --help

Version check

To verify the version of yb-voyager installed on your machine, run:

yb-voyager version


The following command line options specify the migration steps.

export schema

Export the schema from the source database.


yb-voyager export schema [ <arguments> ... ]

The valid arguments for export schema are described in the following table:

Argument Description/valid options
-e, --export-dir Path to the directory where the data files will be exported.
-h, --help Command line help.
--oracle-db-sid Oracle System Identifier. Oracle migrations only.
--oracle-home Path to set $ORACLE_HOME environment variable. Oracle migrations only.
--oracle-tns-alias TNS (Transparent Network Substrate) alias configured to establish a secure connection with the server. Oracle migrations only.
--send-diagnostics Send diagnostics information to Yugabyte.
--source-db-type One of postgresql, mysql, or oracle.
--source-db-host Hostname of the source database server.
--source-db-name Source database name.
--source-db-password Source database password.
--source-db-port Port number of the source database machine.
--source-db-schema Schema of the source database.
--source-db-user Name of the source database user (typically ybvoyager).
--source-ssl-cert Name of the certificate which is part of the SSL <cert,key> pair.
--source-ssl-key Name of the key which is part of the SSL <cert,key> pair.
--source-ssl-crl Path to a file containing the SSL certificate revocation list (CRL).
--source-ssl-mode One of disable, allow, prefer(default), require, verify-ca, or verify-full.
--source-ssl-root-cert Path to a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s).
--start-clean Clean the schema data directories.
--use-orafce Use the Orafce extension. Oracle migrations only.
-y, --yes Answer yes to all prompts during the export schema operation.


yb-voyager export schema --export-dir /path/to/yb/export/dir \
        --source-db-type sourceDB \
        --source-db-host localhost \
        --source-db-port port \
        --source-db-user username \
        --source-db-password password \ # Enclose the password in single quotes if it contains special characters.
        --source-db-name dbname \
        --source-db-schema schemaName \ # Not applicable for MySQL


Analyse the PostgreSQL schema dumped in the export schema step.


yb-voyager analyze-schema [ <arguments> ... ]

The valid arguments for analyze schema are described in the following table:

Argument Description/valid options
-e, --export-dir Path to the directory where the data files will be exported.
-h, --help Command line help.
--output-format One of html, txt, json, or xml.
--send-diagnostics Send diagnostics information to Yugabyte.


yb-voyager analyze-schema --export-dir /path/to/yb/export/dir --output-format txt

export data

Dump the source database to the machine where yb-voyager is installed.


yb-voyager export data [ <arguments> ... ]

The valid arguments for export data are described in the following table:

Argument Description/valid options
--disable-pb Hide progress bars.
--table-list Comma-separated list of the tables for which data is exported.
--exclude-table-list Comma-separated list of tables to exclude while exporting data.
-e, --export-dir Path to the directory where the data files will be exported.
-h, --help Command line help.
--oracle-db-sid Oracle System Identifier. Oracle migrations only.
--oracle-home Path to set $ORACLE_HOME environment variable. Oracle migrations only.
--oracle-tns-alias TNS (Transparent Network Substrate) alias configured to establish a secure connection with the server. Oracle migrations only.
--parallel-jobs Number of parallel jobs to extract data from source database (default 4)
--send-diagnostics Send diagnostics information to Yugabyte.
--source-db-type One of postgresql, mysql, or oracle.
--source-db-host Hostname of the source database server.
--source-db-name Source database name.
--source-db-password Source database password.
--source-db-port Port number of the source database machine.
--source-db-schema Schema of the source database.
--source-db-user Username of the source database.
--source-ssl-cert Name of the certificate which is part of the SSL <cert,key> pair.
--source-ssl-key Name of the key which is part of the SSL <cert,key> pair.
--source-ssl-crl Path to a file containing the SSL certificate revocation list (CRL).
--source-ssl-mode One of disable, allow, prefer(default), require, verify-ca, or verify-full.
--source-ssl-root-cert Path to a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s).
--start-clean Cleans the data directories for already existing files and is applicable during all phases of migration, except analyze-schema.
-y, --yes Answer yes to all prompts during the export schema operation.


yb-voyager export data --export-dir /path/to/yb/export/dir \
        --source-db-type sourceDB \
        --source-db-host hostname \
        --source-db-port port \
        --source-db-user username \
        --source-db-password password \ # Enclose the password in single quotes if it contains special characters.
        --source-db-name dbname \
        --source-db-schema schemaName # Not applicable for MySQL

export data status

Get the status report of an ongoing or completed data export operation.


yb-voyager export data status [ <arguments> ... ]

The valid arguments for export data status are described in the following table:

Argument Description/valid options
-e, --export-dir Path to the directory where the data files will be exported.
-h, --help Command line help.


yb-voyager export data status --export-dir /path/to/yb/export/dir

import schema

Import the schema to the target YugabyteDB.

During migration, run the import schema command twice, first without the --post-import-data argument and then with the argument. The second invocation creates indexes and triggers in the target schema, and must be done after import data is complete.

For Oracle migrations

For Oracle migrations using YugabyteDB Voyager v1.1 or later, the Orafce extension is installed on the target database by default. This enables you to use a subset of predefined functions, operators, and packages from Oracle. The extension is installed in the public schema, and when listing functions or views, extra objects will be visible on the target database which may confuse you. You can remove the extension using the DROP EXTENSION command.


yb-voyager import schema [ <arguments> ... ]

The valid arguments for import schema are described in the following table:

Argument Description/valid options
-e, --export-dir Path to the directory where the data files will be exported.
-h, --help Command line help.
--post-import-data Imports indexes and triggers in the target YugabyteDB database after data import is complete.
--send-diagnostics Send diagnostics information to Yugabyte.
--start-clean Cleans the data directories for already existing files and is applicable during all phases of migration, except analyze-schema.
--target-db-host Hostname of the target database server.
--target-db-name Target database name.
--target-db-password Target database password.
--target-db-port Port number of the target database machine.
--target-db-schema Schema of the target database.
--target-db-user Username of the target database.
--target-ssl-cert Name of the certificate which is part of the SSL <cert,key> pair.
--target-ssl-key Name of the key which is part of the SSL <cert,key> pair.
--target-ssl-crl Path to a file containing the SSL certificate revocation list (CRL).
--target-ssl-mode One of disable, allow, prefer(default), require, verify-ca, or verify-full.
--target-ssl-root-cert Path to a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s).
--verbose Display extra information in the output.
-y, --yes Answer yes to all prompts during the export schema operation.


yb-voyager import schema --export-dir /path/to/yb/export/dir \
        --target-db-host hostname \
        --target-db-user username \
        --target-db-password password \ # Enclose the password in single quotes if it contains special characters.
        --target-db-name dbname \
        --target-db-schema schemaName # MySQL and Oracle only

import data

Import the data to the target YugabyteDB.


yb-voyager import data [ <arguments> ... ]

The valid arguments for import data are described in the following table:

Argument Description/valid options
--batch-size Size of batches generated for ingestion during [import data].
--disable-pb Hide progress bars.
--table-list Comma-separated list of the tables for which data is exported.
--exclude-table-list Comma-separated list of tables to exclude while exporting data.
-e, --export-dir Path to the directory where the data files will be exported.
-h, --help Command line help.
--parallel-jobs Number of parallel COPY commands issued to the target database.
--send-diagnostics Send diagnostics information to Yugabyte.
--start-clean Cleans the data directories for already existing files and is applicable during all phases of migration, except analyze-schema.
--target-db-host Hostname of the target database server.
--target-db-name Target database name.
--target-db-password Target database password.
--target-db-port Port number of the target database machine.
--target-db-schema Schema of the target database.
--target-db-user Username of the target database.
--target-ssl-cert Name of the certificate which is part of the SSL <cert,key> pair.
--target-ssl-key Name of the key which is part of the SSL <cert,key> pair.
--target-ssl-crl Path to a file containing the SSL certificate revocation list (CRL).
--target-ssl-mode One of disable, allow, prefer(default), require, verify-ca, or verify-full.
--target-ssl-root-cert Path to a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s).
--verbose Display extra information in the output.
-y, --yes Answer yes to all prompts during the export schema operation.


yb-voyager import data --export-dir /path/to/yb/export/dir \
        --target-db-host hostname \
        --target-db-user username \
        --target-db-password password \ # Enclose the password in single quotes if it contains special characters.
        --target-db-name dbname \
        --target-db-schema schemaName \ # MySQL and Oracle only
        --parallel-jobs connectionCount

import data file

Load all your data files in CSV or text format directly to the target YugabyteDB. These data files can be located either on a local filesystem or an AWS S3 bucket.


yb-voyager import data file [ <arguments> ... ]

The valid arguments for import data file are described in the following table:

Argument Description/valid options
--batch-size Size of batches generated for ingestion during [import data].
--data-dir Path to the directory or S3-prefixed URI of the bucket containing the data files to import.
--delimiter Default: comma (,); can be changed to '\t' (tab), pipe(|), or any other character.
--disable-pb Hide progress bars.
--exclude-table-list Comma-separated list of tables to exclude while exporting data.
--file-opts Comma-separated string options for CSV file format.
--null-string String that represents null value in the data file.
--file-table-map filename1:tablename1 Comma-separated mapping between the files in data-dir to the corresponding table in the database.
--format One of CSV or text format of the data file.
--has-header Applies only to CSV file type.
-e, --export-dir Path to the directory where the data files will be exported.
-h, --help Command line help.
--parallel-jobs Number of parallel COPY commands issued to the target database.
--send-diagnostics Send diagnostics information to Yugabyte.
--start-clean Cleans the data directories for already existing files and is applicable during all phases of migration, except analyze-schema.
--target-db-host Hostname of the target database server.
--target-db-name Target database name.
--target-db-password Target database password.
--target-db-port Port number of the target database machine.
--target-db-schema Schema of the target database.
--target-db-user Username of the target database.
--target-ssl-cert Name of the certificate which is part of the SSL <cert,key> pair.
--target-ssl-key Name of the key which is part of the SSL <cert,key> pair.
--target-ssl-crl Path to a file containing the SSL certificate revocation list (CRL).
--target-ssl-mode One of disable, allow, prefer(default), require, verify-ca, or verify-full.
--target-ssl-root-cert Path to a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s).
--verbose Display extra information in the output.
-y, --yes Answer yes to all prompts during the export schema operation.


yb-voyager import data file --export-dir /path/to/yb/export/dir \
        --target-db-host hostname \
        --target-db-port port \
        --target-db-user username \
        --target-db-password password \ # Enclose the password in single quotes if it contains special characters.
        --target-db-name dbname \
        --target-db-schema schemaName \ # MySQL and Oracle only
        --data-dir "/path/to/files/dir/" \
        --file-table-map "filename1:table1,filename2:table2" \
        --delimiter "|" \
        --has-header \
        --file-opts "escape_char=\",quote_char=\"" \
        --format format

import data status

Get the status report of an ongoing or completed data import operation. The report contains migration status of tables, number of rows or bytes imported, and percentage completion.


yb-voyager import data status [ <arguments> ... ]

The valid arguments for import data status are described in the following table:

Argument Description/valid options
-e, --export-dir Path to the directory where the data files will be exported.
-h, --help Command line help.


yb-voyager import data status --export-dir /path/to/yb/export/dir



Specifies the path to the directory containing the data files to export.

An export directory is a workspace used by yb-voyager to store the following:

  • exported schema DDL files
  • export data files
  • migration state
  • log file


Specifies the source database type (postgresql, mysql, or oracle).


Specifies the domain name or IP address of the machine on which the source database server is running.


Specifies the port number of the machine on which the source database server is running.

Default: 5432 (PostgreSQL), 3306 (MySQL), and 1521 (Oracle)


Specifies the username of the source database.


Specifies the password of the source database.

If you don't provide a password via the CLI during any migration phase, yb-voyager will prompt you at runtime for a password.

If the password contains special characters that are interpreted by the shell (for example, # and $), enclose it in single quotes.


Specifies the name of the source database.


Specifies the schema of the source database. Not applicable for MySQL.

For Oracle, you can specify only one schema name using this option.

For PostgreSQL, you can specify a list of comma-separated schema names.

Case-sensitive schema names are not yet supported. Refer to Import issue with case-sensitive schema names for more details.


Specifies the format in which the report file is generated. It can be in html, txt, json, or xml.


Specifies the domain name or IP address of the machine on which target database server is running.


Specifies the port number of the machine on which the target database server is running.

Default: 5433


Specifies the username in the target database to be used for the migration.


Specifies the password for the target database user to be used for the migration.

If you don't provide a password via the CLI during any migration phase, yb-voyager will prompt you at runtime for a password.

If the password contains special characters that are interpreted by the shell (for example, # and $), enclose the password in single quotes.


Specifies the name of the target database.

Default: yugabyte


Specifies the schema of the target database. MySQL and Oracle migrations only.


For export data

Specifies the number of tables to be exported in parallel from the source database at a time.

Default: 4; exports 4 tables at a time by default.

If you use BETA_FAST_DATA_EXPORT to accelerate data export, yb-voyager exports only one table at a time and the --parallel-jobs argument is ignored.

For import data

Specifies the number of parallel COPY commands issued to the target database.

Depending on the target YugabyteDB configuration, the value of --parallel-jobs should be tweaked such that at most 50% of target cores are utilised.

Default: If yb-voyager can determine the total number of cores N in the target YugabyteDB cluster, it uses N/2 as the default. Otherwise, it defaults to twice the number of nodes in the cluster.


Specifies the size of batches generated for ingestion during import data.

Default: 20,000


Path to the directory containing the data files to import. You can also provide an AWS S3 bucket as a path to the data directory. For example,

yb-voyager import data file .... \
--data-dir s3://voyager-data

The authentication mechanism for accessing an S3 bucket using yb-voyager is the same as that used by the AWS CLI.

Refer to Configuring the AWS CLI for additional details to set up your S3 bucket.


Comma-separated mapping between the files in data-dir to the corresponding table in the database.

Default: If this flag isn't used, the import data file command imports files from the --data-dir directory matching the PREFIX_data.csv pattern, where PREFIX is the name of the table into which the file data is imported.

Example : filename1:tablename1,filename2:tablename2[,...]


Default: comma (,); can be changed to '\t' (tab), pipe(|), or any other character.


This argument is to be specified only for CSV file type.

Default: false; change to true if the CSV file contains column names as a header.

Note: Boolean flags take arguments in the format --flag-name=[true|false], and not --flag-name [true|false].


Comma-separated string options for CSV file format. The options can include the following:

  • escape_char: escape character

  • quote_char: character used to quote the values

Default: double quotes (") for both escape and quote characters

Note that escape_char and quote_char are only valid and required for CSV file format.

Example: --file-opts "escape_char=\",quote_char=\"" or --file-opts 'escape_char=",quote_char="'


String that represents null value in the data file.

Default: ""(empty string) for CSV, and '\N' for text.


Specifies the format of your data file with CSV or text as the supported formats.

Default: CSV


Run this argument with import schema command to import indexes and triggers in the target YugabyteDB database after data import is complete. The --post-import-data argument assumes that data import is already done and imports only indexes and triggers in the target YugabyteDB database.


Oracle System Identifier (SID) you can use while exporting data from Oracle instances. Oracle migrations only.


Path to set $ORACLE_HOME environment variable. tnsnames.ora is found in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin. Not applicable during import phases or analyze schema. Oracle migrations only.


Enable using orafce extension in export schema. Oracle migrations only.

Default: true


By default, answer yes to all questions during migration.


Cleans the data directories for already existing files and is applicable during all phases of migration, except analyze-schema. For the export phase, this implies cleaning the schema or data directories depending on the current phase of migration. For the import phase, it implies cleaning the contents of the target YugabyteDB database.


Comma-separated list of the tables for which data needs to be migrated. Do not use in conjunction with --exclude-table-list.


Comma-separated list of tables to exclude while migrating data.


For export data command, the list of table names passed in the --table-list and --exclude-table-list are, by default, case insensitive. Enclose each name in double quotes to make it case sensitive.

For import data command, the list of table names passed in the --table-list and --exclude-table-list are, by default, case sensitive. You don't need to enclose them in double quotes.


Controls whether to send diagnostics information to Yugabyte.

Default: true


Displays extra information in the output.

Default: false


Use this argument to not display progress bars.

Default: false

SSL Connectivity

You can instruct yb-voyager to connect to the source or target database over an SSL connection. Connecting securely to PostgreSQL, MySQL, and YugabyteDB requires you to pass a similar set of arguments to yb-voyager. Oracle requires a different set of arguments.

Note that the SSL arguments are unsupported with BETA_FAST_DATA_EXPORT.

The following table summarizes the arguments and options you can pass to yb-voyager to establish an SSL connection.

Database Arguments Description
--source-ssl-mode Value of this argument determines whether an encrypted connection is established between yb-voyager and the database server; and whether the certificate of the database server is verified from a CA.
  • disable: Only try a non-SSL connection.
  • allow: First try a non-SSL connection; if that fails, try an SSL connection. (Not supported for MySQL.)
  • prefer (default): First try an SSL connection; if that fails, try a non-SSL connection.
  • require: Only try an SSL connection. If a root CA file is present, verify the certificate in the same way as if verify-ca was specified.
  • verify-ca: Only try an SSL connection, and verify that the server certificate is issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA).
  • verify-full: Only try an SSL connection, verify that the server certificate is issued by a trusted CA and that the requested server host name matches that in the certificate.
These two arguments specify names of the files containing SSL certificate and key, respectively. The <cert, key> pair forms the identity of the client.
--source-ssl-root-cert Specifies the path to a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s). If the file exists, the server's certificate will be verified to be signed by one of these authorities.
--source-ssl-crl Specifies the path to a file containing the SSL certificate revocation list (CRL). Certificates listed in this file, if it exists, will be rejected while attempting to authenticate the server's certificate.
Oracle --oracle-tns-alias A TNS (Transparent Network Substrate) alias that is configured to establish a secure connection with the server is passed to yb-voyager. When you pass --oracle-tns-alias, you cannot use any other arguments to connect to your Oracle instance including --source-db-schema and --oracle-db-sid.
YugabyteDB --target-ssl-mode Value of this argument determines whether an encrypted connection is established between yb-voyager and the database server; and whether the certificate of the database server is verified from a CA.
  • disable: Only try a non-SSL connection.
  • allow: First try a non-SSL connection; if that fails, try an SSL connection. (Not supported for MySQL.)
  • prefer (default): First try an SSL connection; if that fails, try a non-SSL connection.
  • require: Only try an SSL connection. If a root CA file is present, verify the certificate in the same way as if verify-ca was specified.
  • verify-ca: Only try an SSL connection, and verify that the server certificate is issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA).
  • verify-full: Only try an SSL connection, verify that the server certificate is issued by a trusted CA and that the requested server host name matches that in the certificate.
These two arguments specify names of the files containing SSL certificate and key, respectively. The <cert, key> pair forms the identity of the client.
--target-ssl-root-cert Specifies the path to a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s). If the file exists, the server's certificate will be verified to be signed by one of these authorities.
--target-ssl-crl Specifies the path to a file containing the SSL certificate revocation list (CRL). Certificates listed in this file, if it exists, will be rejected while attempting to authenticate the server's certificate.