
SADD key value [value ...]

This command adds one or more given values to the set that is associated with the given key.

  • If the key does not exist, a new set is created, and members are added with the given values.
  • If the key is associated with a value that is not a set, an error is raised.
  • If a specified value already exists in the given set, that value is ignored and not counted toward the total of newly added members.

Return value

Depends on the configuration parameter emulate_redis_responses.

  • If emulate_redis_responses is true, returns the number of new members that were added by this command not including the duplicates.
  • If emulate_redis_responses is false, returns OK.


emulate_redis_responses is true.

$ SADD yuga_world "Africa"
$ SADD yuga_world "America"
$ SMEMBERS yuga_world
1) "Africa"
2) "America"

emulate_redis_responses is false.

$ SADD yuga_world "Africa"
$ SADD yuga_world "America"
$ SMEMBERS yuga_world
1) "Africa"
2) "America"

See also

scard, sismember, smembers, srem