Build an application using C++


The tutorial assumes that you have:

  • installed YugabyteDB, created a universe, and are able to interact with it using the Redis shell. If not, follow the steps in Quick start.
  • have C++ 11 or later.

Install the Redis C++ driver

We use the cpp_redis driver. To install the library do the following:

  • Clone the cpp_redis repository
$ git clone
  • Get the networking module (tacopie)
$ cd cpp_redis
$ git submodule init && git submodule update
  • Create a build directory and move into it
$ mkdir build && cd build
  • Generate the Makefile using CMake
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  • Build and install the library
$ make
$ make install

Write the HelloWorld C++ application

Create a file ybredis_hello_world.cpp and copy the contents below:

#include <cpp_redis/cpp_redis>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  cpp_redis::client client;

  client.connect("", 6379, [](const std::string& host, std::size_t port, cpp_redis::client::connect_state status) {
    if (status == cpp_redis::client::connect_state::dropped) {
      std::cout << "client disconnected from " << host << ":" << port << std::endl;

  string userid = "1";
  vector<pair<string, string>> userProfile;
  userProfile.push_back(make_pair("name", "John"));
  userProfile.push_back(make_pair("age", "35"));
  userProfile.push_back(make_pair("language", "Redis"));

  // Insert the data
  client.hmset(userid, userProfile, [](cpp_redis::reply& reply) {
      cout<< "HMSET returned " << reply << ": id=1, name=John, age=35, language=Redis" << endl;

  // Query the data
  client.hgetall(userid, [](cpp_redis::reply& reply) {
    std::vector<cpp_redis::reply> retVal;
    if (reply.is_array()) {
      retVal = reply.as_array();
    cout << "Query result:" <<endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < retVal.size(); i=i+2) {
      cout << retVal[i] << "=" <<retVal[i+1] << endl;

  // synchronous commit, no timeout

  return 0;

Run the application

To compile the file, run the following command.

$ g++ -ltacopie -lcpp_redis -std=c++11 -o ybredis_hello_world ybredis_hello_world.cpp

To run the application, run the following command.

$ ./ybredis_hello_world

You should see the following output.

HMSET returned OK: id=1, name=John, age=35, language=Redis
Query result: