ybm cluster network

Manage cluster network resources

Use the cluster network resource to manage cluster network resources, including:


Usage: ybm cluster network [command] [flags]


Assign an allow list:

ybm cluster network allow-list assign \
  --cluster-name=<cluster_name> \


allow-list assign

Assign an allow list to a specified cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. The name of the cluster to which you want to assign the allow lists.
--network-allow-list Required. The network allow list to assign to the cluster.

allow-list unassign

Unassign an allow list from a specified cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. The name of the cluster from which you want to unassign the allow lists.
--network-allow-list Required. The network allow list to unassign from the cluster.

endpoint create

Create a private service endpoint for a specified cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. The name of the cluster for which you want to create the endpoint.
--region Required. Region in which you want to create the endpoint.
--accessibility-type Required. The type of endpoint to create. PUBLIC, PRIVATE, or PRIVATE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT.
--security-principals Required for PRIVATE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT. A comma-separated list of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of security principals to be granted access to this endpoint.

endpoint delete

Delete a specified private service endpoint.

Flag Description
--endpoint-id Required. The ID of the endpoint to delete.

To avoid charges from your cloud provider, be sure to delete the corresponding endpoint in your cloud provider account.

endpoint describe

Fetch detailed information about a specified private service endpoint.

Flag Description
--endpoint-id Required. The ID of the endpoint to describe.

endpoint list

List the network endpoints of the specified cluster. This includes public and private host addresses, and private service endpoints.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. The name of the cluster for which you want to list the endpoints.
--region Return endpoints only from the specified region.
--accessibility Return endpoints only with the specified accessibility type. PUBLIC, PRIVATE, or PRIVATE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT.

endpoint update

Update the configuration of a specified private service endpoint.

Flag Description
--endpoint-id Required. The ID of the endpoint to update.
--security-principals A comma-separated list of ARNs of security principals to be granted access to this endpoint.