Back up and restore YugabyteDB Anywhere on Kubernetes

YugabyteDB Anywhere installations include configuration settings, certificates and keys, and other components required for creating and managing YugabyteDB universes.

You can use the YugabyteDB Anywhere backup script to back up an existing YugabyteDB Anywhere server and restore it, when needed, for disaster recovery or migrating to a new server.


You cannot back up and restore Prometheus metrics data.

The YugabyteDB Anywhere UI is used for creating and managing YugabyteDB universes, or clusters, on one or more regions (across public cloud and private on-premises data centers). For details, see YugabyteDB Anywhere overview.

Back up a YugabyteDB Anywhere server

You can back up the YugabyteDB Anywhere server as follows:

  • Copy the YugabyteDB Anywhere backup script from the yugabyte-db repository to your local workstation using the following wget command:

  • Verify that the computer performing the backup operation can access the YugabyteDB Anywhere Kubernetes pod instance by executing the following command:

    kubectl exec --namespace <k8s_namespace> -it <k8s_pod> -c yugaware -- cat /opt/yugabyte/yugaware/

    k8s_namespace specifies the Kubernetes namespace where the YugabyteDB Anywhere pod is running.
    k8s_pod specifies the name of the YugabyteDB Anywhere kubernetes pod.

  • Run the script using the create command, as follows:

    ./ create --output <output_path> --k8s_namespace <k8s_namespace> --k8s_pod <k8s_pod> [--exclude_releases --verbose]

    backup is the command to run the backup of the YugabyteDB Anywhere server.

    output_path specifies the location for the output backup archive.

    k8s_namespace specifies the Kubernetes namespace in which the YugabyteDB Anywhere pod is running.

    k8s_pod specifies the name of the YugabyteDB Anywhere Kubernetes pod.

    exclude_releases excludes YugabyteDB releases from the backup archive.

    verbose prints debug output.

  • Verify that the backup .tar.gz file, with the correct timestamp, is in the specified output directory.

  • Upload the backup file to your preferred storage location, and delete it from the local disk.

Restore a YugabyteDB Anywhere server

To restore the YugabyteDB Anywhere content from your saved backup, perform the following:

  • Copy the YugabyteDB Anywhere backup script from the yugabyte-db repository to your local workstation using the following wget command:

  • Execute the following command to verify that the computer performing the backup operation can access the YugabyteDB Anywhere Kubernetes pod instance:

    kubectl exec --namespace <k8s_namespace> -it <k8s_pod> -c yugaware -- cat /opt/yugabyte/yugaware/

    k8s_namespace specifies the Kubernetes namespace where the YugabyteDB Anywhere pod is running.

    k8s_pod specifies the name of the YugabyteDB Anywhere Kubernetes pod.

  • Run the script using the restore command:

    ./ restore --input <input_path> --k8s_namespace <k8s_namespace> --k8s_pod <k8s_pod> [--verbose]

    restore restores the YugabyteDB Anywhere server content.

    input_path is the path to the .tar.gz backup file to restore.

    k8s_namespace specifies the Kubernetes namespace where the YugabyteDB Anywhere pod is running.

    k8s_pod specifies the name of the YugabyteDB Anywhere Kubernetes pod.

    verbose prints debug output.

Upon completion of the preceding steps, the restored YugabyteDB Anywhere is ready to continue managing your universes and clusters.