Point-in-time recovery

To prevent data loss, YugabyteDB Anywhere supports point-in-time recovery (PITR) of the universe data.

Create a PITR configuration

You can create a PITR configuration as follows:

  1. Navigate to Universes.

  2. Select the name of the universe for which you want to use PITR.

  3. Select the Backups tab, and then select Point-in-time Recovery to view a list of the databases and keyspaces already enabled for PITR, if any, as per the following illustration:


    If there are currently no databases or keyspaces enabled for PITR, a message is displayed.

  4. Click Enable Point-in-time Recovery to open the dialog shown in the following illustration:

    Enable PITR

  5. Complete the Enable Point-in-time Recovery dialog by selecting YSQL or YCQL as the API type, then selecting the database or keyspace for which to enable PITR, and then selecting the data snapshot retention period.

  6. Click Enable.

The database or keyspace is now added to the Databases/Keyspaces with Point-In-Time Recovery Enabled list.

Recover to a point in time

You can recover a snapshot to a specific point in time as follows:

  1. Navigate to Point-in-time Recovery.

  2. Find the database or keyspace whose snapshot you want to recover, click the three dots (...) to display its actions, and select Recover to a Point in Time.

  3. In the Recover dbname to a point in time dialog shown in the following illustration, specify the recovery time parameters that fall within your predefined retention period:


  4. Click Recover.

Disable a PITR configuration

You can disable PITR as follows:

  1. Navigate to Point-in-time Recovery.

  2. Find the database or keyspace for which you to disable PITR, click the three dots (...) to display its actions, and then select Disable Point-in-Time Recovery.

  3. Use the dialog shown in the following illustration to confirm that your intention is to disable PITR for the database or keyspace:
