Create provider configuration

Configure an on-premises provider configuration

Before you can deploy universes using YugabyteDB Anywhere, you must create a provider configuration.

A provider configuration describes your cloud environment (such as its regions and availability zones, NTP server, certificates that may be used to SSH to VMs, whether YugabyteDB database software will be manually installed by the user or auto-provisioned by YugabyteDB Anywhere, and so on). The provider configuration is used as an input when deploying a universe, and can be reused for many universes.

With on-premises providers, VMs are not auto-created by YugabyteDB Anywhere; you must manually create and add them to the free pool of the on-premises provider. Only after VM instances are added can YugabyteDB Anywhere auto-provision or can you manually provision the YugabyteDB database software and create universes from these database nodes.

Configure the on-premises provider

Navigate to Configs > Infrastructure > On-Premises Datacenters to see a list of all currently configured on-premises providers.

View and edit providers

To view a provider, select it in the list of On Prem Configs to display the Overview.

To edit the provider, select Config Details, make changes, and click Apply Changes. For more information, refer to Provider settings. Note that, depending on whether the provider has been used to create a universe, you can only edit a subset of options.

To view the universes created using the provider, select Universes.

To delete the provider, click Actions and choose Delete Configuration. You can only delete providers that are not in use by a universe.

Create a provider

To create an on-premises provider:

  1. Click Create Config to open the OnPrem Provider Configuration page.

    Create On-Premises provider

  2. Enter the provider details. Refer to Provider settings.

  3. Click Create Provider Configuration when you are done and wait for the configuration to complete.

Provider settings

Provider Name

Enter a Provider name. The Provider name is an internal tag used for organizing cloud providers.


To add regions for the provider, do the following:

  1. Click Add Region.

  2. Enter a name for the region.

  3. Select the region location.

  4. To add a zone, click Add Zone and enter a name for the zone.

  5. Click Add Region.

SSH Key Pairs

In the SSH User field, enter the name of the user that has SSH privileges on your instances. This is required because to provision on-premises nodes with YugabyteDB, YugabyteDB Anywhere needs SSH access to these nodes. Unless you plan to provision the database nodes manually, the user needs to have password-free sudo permissions to complete a few tasks.

If the SSH user requires a password for sudo access or the SSH user does not have sudo access, follow the steps described in Provision nodes manually.

In the SSH Port field, provide the port number of SSH client connections.

Use the SSH Private Key Content field to upload the private key PEM file available to the SSH user for gaining access via SSH into your instances.


Disable the DB Nodes have public internet access option if you want the installation to run in an air-gapped mode without expecting any internet access.

Enable the Manually Provision Nodes field if you choose to manually set up your database nodes. Otherwise, YugabyteDB Anywhere will use the sudo user to set up YugabyteDB nodes. For manual provisioning, you would be prompted to run a Python script at a later stage or to run a set of commands on the database nodes.

If any of the following statements are applicable to your use case, you need to provision the nodes manually:

  • Preprovisioned yugabyte:yugabyte user and group.
  • Sudo user requires a password.
  • The SSH user is not a sudo user.

Optionally, use the YB Nodes Home Directory field to specify the home directory of the yugabyte user. The default value is /home/yugabyte.

Enable Install Node Exporter if you want the node exporter installed. You can skip this step if you have node exporter already installed on the nodes. Ensure you have provided the correct port number for skipping the installation.

The Node Exporter User field allows you to override the default prometheus user. This is helpful when the user is preprovisioned on nodes (when the user creation is disabled). If overridden, the installer checks whether or not the user exists and creates the user if it does not exist.

Use the Node Exporter Port field to specify the port number for the node exporter. The default value is 9300.

NTP Setup lets you to customize the Network Time Protocol server, as follows:

  • Select Manually add NTP Servers to provide your own NTP servers and allow the cluster nodes to connect to those NTP servers.
  • Select Don't set up NTP to prevent YugabyteDB Anywhere from performing any NTP configuration on the cluster nodes. For data consistency, ensure that NTP is correctly configured on your machine image.

Configure hardware for YugabyteDB nodes

After the provider has been created, you can configure the hardware for the configuration by navigating to Configs > Infrastructure > On-Premises Datacenters, selecting the On Prem Config you created, and choosing Instances. This displays the configured instance types and instances for the selected provider.

Add instance types

To add an instance type, do the following:

  1. Click Add Instance Type.

  2. Complete the Add Instance Type dialog fields, as follows:

    • Use the Machine Type field to define a value to be used internally as an identifier in the Instance Type universe field.
    • Use the Number of Cores field to define the number of cores to be assigned to a node.
    • Use the Memory Size (GB) field to define the memory allocation of a node.
    • Use the Volume Size (GB) field to define the disk volume of a node.
    • Use the Mount Paths field to define a mount point with enough space to contain your node density. Use /data. If you have multiple drives, add these as a comma-separated list, such as, for example, /mnt/d0,/mnt/d1.
  3. Click Add Instance Type.

Add YugabyteDB nodes

For each node you want to add, click Add Instances to add a YugabyteDB node. For each region, select the zone and instance type. You can use DNS names or IP addresses when adding instances (instance ID is an optional user-defined identifier).

Click Add to add additional nodes in the region.

Note that if you provide a hostname, the universe might experience issues communicating. To resolve this, you need to delete the failed universe and then recreate it with the use_node_hostname_for_local_tserver flag enabled.

Provision nodes manually

To provision your nodes manually, you have the following two options:

  1. If the SSH user you provided has sudo privileges but requires a password, you can run the preprovisioning script.
  2. If the SSH user does not have any sudo privileges, you need to set up the database nodes manually.

Run the preprovisioning script

This step is only required if you set Manually Provision Nodes to true and the SSH user has sudo privileges which require a password; otherwise you skip this step.

You can manually provision each node using the preprovisioning Python script, as follows:

  1. Login to YugabyteDB Anywhere virtual machine via SSH.

  2. Access the Docker yugaware container, as follows:

    sudo docker exec -it yugaware bash
  3. Copy and paste the Python script prompted via the UI and substitute for a node IP address and mount points. Optionally, use the --ask_password flag if the sudo user requires password authentication, as follows:

    /opt/yugabyte/yugaware/data/provision/9cf26f3b-4c7c-451a-880d-593f2f76efce/ --ip --mount_points /data --ask_password

    Expect the following output and prompt:

    Executing provision now for instance with IP
    SUDO password:
  4. Wait for the script to finish successfully.

  5. Repeat step 3 for every node that will participate in the universe.

This completes the on-premises cloud provider configuration. You can proceed to Configure the backup target or Create deployments.

Set up database nodes manually

This step is only required if you set Manually Provision Nodes to true and the SSH user does not have sudo privileges at all; otherwise you skip this step.

If the SSH user configured in the on-premises provider does not have sudo privileges, then you can set up each of the database nodes manually. Note that you need access to a user with sudo privileges in order to complete these steps.

For each node, perform the following:

Set up time synchronization

A local Network Time Protocol (NTP) server or equivalent must be available.

Ensure an NTP-compatible time service client is installed in the node OS (chrony is installed by default in the standard CentOS 7 instance used in this example). Then, configure the time service client to use the available time server. The procedure includes this step and assumes chrony is the installed client.

Open incoming TCP/IP ports

Database servers need incoming TCP/IP access enabled to the following ports, for communications between themselves and YugabyteDB Anywhere:

Protocol Port Description
TCP 22 SSH (for automatic administration)
TCP 5433 YSQL client
TCP 6379 YEDIS client
TCP 7000 YB master webserver
TCP 7100 YB master RPC
TCP 9000 YB tablet server webserver
TCP 9042 YCQL client
TCP 9090 Prometheus server
TCP 9100 YB tablet server RPC
TCP 9300 Prometheus node exporter
TCP 12000 YCQL HTTP (for DB statistics gathering)
TCP 13000 YSQL HTTP (for DB statistics gathering)
TCP 18018 YB Controller

The preceding table is based on the information on the default ports page.

Preprovision nodes manually

This process carries out all provisioning tasks on the database nodes which require elevated privileges. After the database nodes have been prepared in this way, the universe creation process from YugabyteDB Anywhere will connect with the nodes only via the yugabyte user, and not require any elevation of privileges to deploy and operate the YugabyteDB universe.

Physical nodes (or cloud instances) are installed with a standard CentOS 7 server image. The following steps are to be performed on each physical node, prior to universe creation:

  1. Login to each database node as a user with sudo enabled (the centos user in centos7 images).

  2. Add the following line to the /etc/chrony.conf file:

    server <your-time-server-IP-address> prefer iburst

    Then run the following command:

    sudo chronyc makestep   # (force instant sync to NTP server)
  3. Add a new yugabyte:yugabyte user and group with the default login shell /bin/bash that you set via the -s flag, as follows:

    sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -m yugabyte   # (add user yugabyte and create /home/yugabyte)
    sudo passwd yugabyte   # (add a password to the yugabyte user)
    sudo su - yugabyte   # (change to yugabyte user for execution of next steps)

    Ensure that the yugabyte user has permissions to SSH into the YugabyteDB nodes (as defined in /etc/ssh/sshd_config).

  4. Copy the SSH public key to each DB node. This public key should correspond to the private key entered into the YugabyteDB Anywhere provider.

  5. Run the following commands as the yugabyte user, after copying the SSH public key file to the user home directory:

    cd ~yugabyte
    mkdir .ssh
    chmod 700 .ssh
    cat <pubkey file> >> .ssh/authorized_keys
    chmod 400 .ssh/authorized_keys
    exit   # (exit from the yugabyte user back to previous user)
  6. Add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file (sudo is required):

    *                -       core            unlimited
    *                -       data            unlimited
    *                -       fsize           unlimited
    *                -       sigpending      119934
    *                -       memlock         64
    *                -       rss             unlimited
    *                -       nofile          1048576
    *                -       msgqueue        819200
    *                -       stack           8192
    *                -       cpu             unlimited
    *                -       nproc           12000
    *                -       locks           unlimited
  7. Modify the following line in the /etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf file:

    *          soft    nproc     12000
  8. Install the rsync and OpenSSL packages (if not already included with your Linux distribution) using the following commands:

    sudo yum install openssl
    sudo yum install rsync

    For airgapped environments, make sure your Yum repository mirror contains these packages.

  9. If running on a virtual machine, execute the following to tune kernel settings:

    1. Configure the parameter vm.swappiness as follows:

      sudo bash -c 'sysctl vm.swappiness=0 >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
      sudo sysctl kernel.core_pattern=/home/yugabyte/cores/core_%p_%t_%E >> /etc/sysctl.conf
    2. Configure the parameter vm.max_map_count as follows:

      sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
      sudo bash -c 'sysctl vm.max_map_count=262144 >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
    3. Validate the change as follows:

      sysctl vm.max_map_count
  10. Perform the following to prepare and mount the data volume (separate partition for database data):

    • List the available storage volumes, as follows:

    • Perform the following steps for each available volume (all listed volumes other than the root volume):

      sudo mkdir /data   # (or /data1, /data2 etc)
      sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/nvme1n1   # (create xfs filesystem over entire volume)
      sudo vi /etc/fstab
    • Add the following line to /etc/fstab:

      /dev/nvme1n1   /data   xfs   noatime   0   0
    • Exit from vi, and continue, as follows:

      sudo mount -av # (mounts the new volume using the fstab entry, to validate)
      sudo chown yugabyte:yugabyte /data
      sudo chmod 755 /data
Install Prometheus node exporter

Download the 1.3.1 version of the Prometheus node exporter, as follows:


If you are doing an airgapped installation, download the node exporter using a computer connected to the internet and copy it over to the database nodes.

On each node, perform the following as a user with sudo access:

  1. Copy the node_exporter-1.3.1.linux-amd64.gz package file that you downloaded into the /tmp directory on each of the YugabyteDB nodes. Ensure that this file is readable by the user (for example, centos).

  2. Run the following commands:

    sudo mkdir /opt/prometheus
    sudo mkdir /etc/prometheus
    sudo mkdir /var/log/prometheus
    sudo mkdir /var/run/prometheus
    sudo mv /tmp/node_exporter-1.3.1.linux-amd64.tar  /opt/prometheus
    sudo adduser --shell /bin/bash prometheus # (also adds group "prometheus")
    sudo chown -R prometheus:prometheus /opt/prometheus
    sudo chown -R prometheus:prometheus /etc/prometheus
    sudo chown -R prometheus:prometheus /var/log/prometheus
    sudo chown -R prometheus:prometheus /var/run/prometheus
    sudo chmod +r /opt/prometheus/node_exporter-1.3.1.linux-amd64.tar
    sudo su - prometheus (user session is now as user "prometheus")
  3. Run the following commands as user prometheus:

    cd /opt/prometheus
    tar zxf node_exporter-1.3.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    exit   # (exit from prometheus user back to previous user)
  4. Edit the following file:

    sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service

    Add the following to the /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service file:

    Description=node_exporter - Exporter for machine metrics.
    ExecStart=/opt/prometheus/node_exporter-1.3.1.linux-amd64/node_exporter  --web.listen-address=:9300
  5. Exit from vi, and continue, as follows:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable node_exporter
    sudo systemctl start node_exporter
  6. Check the status of the node_exporter service with the following command:

    sudo systemctl status node_exporter
Install backup utilities

YugabyteDB Anywhere supports backing up YugabyteDB to Amazon S3, Azure Storage, Google Cloud Storage, and Network File System (NFS). For more information, see Configure backup storage.

You can install the backup utility for the backup storage you plan to use, as follows:

  • NFS: Install rsync, which YugabyteDB Anywhere uses to perform NFS backups installed during one of the previous steps.

  • Amazon S3: Install s3cmd, on which YugabyteDB Anywhere relies to support copying backups to Amazon S3. You have the following installation options:

    • For a regular installation, execute the following:

      sudo yum install s3cmd
    • For an airgapped installation, copy /opt/third-party/s3cmd-2.0.1.tar.gz from the YugabyteDB Anywhere node to the database node, and then extract it into the /usr/local directory on the database node, as follows:

      cd /usr/local
      sudo tar xvfz path-to-s3cmd-2.0.1.tar.gz
      sudo ln -s /usr/local/s3cmd-2.0.1/s3cmd /usr/local/bin/s3cmd
  • Azure Storage: Install azcopy using one of the following options:

    • Download azcopy_linux_amd64_10.13.0.tar.gz using the following command:

    • For airgapped installations, copy /opt/third-party/azcopy_linux_amd64_10.13.0.tar.gz from the YugabyteDB Anywhere node, as follows:

      cd /usr/local
      sudo tar xfz path-to-azcopy_linux_amd64_10.13.0.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin azcopy_linux_amd64_10.13.0/azcopy --strip-components 1
  • Google Cloud Storage: Install gsutil using one of the following options:

    • Download gsutil_4.60.tar.gz using the following command:

    • For airgapped installations, copy /opt/third-party/gsutil_4.60.tar.gz from the YugabyteDB Anywhere node, as follows:

      cd /usr/local
      sudo tar xvfz gsutil_4.60.tar.gz
      sudo ln -s /usr/local/gsutil/gsutil /usr/local/bin/gsutil
Set crontab permissions

YugabyteDB Anywhere supports performing YugabyteDB liveness checks, log file management, and core file management using cron jobs.

Note that sudo is required to set up this service.

If YugabyteDB Anywhere will be using cron jobs, ensure that the yugabyte user is allowed to run crontab:

  • If you are using the cron.allow file to manage crontab access, add the yugabyte user to this file.
  • If you are using the cron.deny file, remove the yugabyte user from this file.

If you are not using either file, no changes are required.

You have finished configuring your on-premises cloud provider. Proceed to Configure the backup target or Create deployments.

As an alternative to setting crontab permissions, you can install systemd-specific database service unit files, as follows:

  1. Enable the yugabyte user to run the following commands as sudo or root:

    yugabyte ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:
    /bin/systemctl start yb-master, \
    /bin/systemctl stop yb-master, \
    /bin/systemctl restart yb-master, \
    /bin/systemctl enable yb-master, \
    /bin/systemctl disable yb-master, \
    /bin/systemctl start yb-tserver, \
    /bin/systemctl stop yb-tserver, \
    /bin/systemctl restart yb-tserver, \
    /bin/systemctl enable yb-tserver, \
    /bin/systemctl disable yb-tserver, \
    /bin/systemctl start yb-controller, \
    /bin/systemctl stop yb-controller, \
    /bin/systemctl restart yb-controller, \
    /bin/systemctl enable yb-controller, \
    /bin/systemctl disable yb-controller, \
    /bin/systemctl start yb-bind_check.service, \
    /bin/systemctl stop yb-bind_check.service, \
    /bin/systemctl restart yb-bind_check.service, \
    /bin/systemctl enable yb-bind_check.service, \
    /bin/systemctl disable yb-bind_check.service, \
    /bin/systemctl start yb-zip_purge_yb_logs.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl stop yb-zip_purge_yb_logs.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl restart yb-zip_purge_yb_logs.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl enable yb-zip_purge_yb_logs.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl disable yb-zip_purge_yb_logs.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl start yb-clean_cores.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl stop yb-clean_cores.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl restart yb-clean_cores.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl enable yb-clean_cores.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl disable yb-clean_cores.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl start yb-collect_metrics.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl stop yb-collect_metrics.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl restart yb-collect_metrics.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl enable yb-collect_metrics.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl disable yb-collect_metrics.timer, \
    /bin/systemctl start yb-zip_purge_yb_logs, \
    /bin/systemctl stop yb-zip_purge_yb_logs, \
    /bin/systemctl restart yb-zip_purge_yb_logs, \
    /bin/systemctl enable yb-zip_purge_yb_logs, \
    /bin/systemctl disable yb-zip_purge_yb_logs, \
    /bin/systemctl start yb-clean_cores, \
    /bin/systemctl stop yb-clean_cores, \
    /bin/systemctl restart yb-clean_cores, \
    /bin/systemctl enable yb-clean_cores, \
    /bin/systemctl disable yb-clean_cores, \
    /bin/systemctl start yb-collect_metrics, \
    /bin/systemctl stop yb-collect_metrics, \
    /bin/systemctl restart yb-collect_metrics, \
    /bin/systemctl enable yb-collect_metrics, \
    /bin/systemctl disable yb-collect_metrics, \
    /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
  2. Ensure that you have root access and add the following service and timer files to the /etc/systemd/system directory (set their ownerships to the yugabyte user and 0644 permissions):


    Description=Yugabyte master service
    # Start
    ExecStart=/home/yugabyte/master/bin/yb-master --flagfile /home/yugabyte/master/conf/server.conf
    # Stop -> SIGTERM - 10s - SIGKILL (if not stopped) [matches existing cron behavior]
    # Logs
    # ulimit


    Description=Yugabyte tserver service
    # Start
    ExecStart=/home/yugabyte/tserver/bin/yb-tserver --flagfile /home/yugabyte/tserver/conf/server.conf
    # Stop -> SIGTERM - 10s - SIGKILL (if not stopped) [matches existing cron behavior]
    # Logs
    # ulimit


    Description=Yugabyte logs
    ExecStart=/bin/sh /home/yugabyte/bin/


    Description=Yugabyte logs
    # Run hourly at minute 0 (beginning) of every hour


    Description=Yugabyte clean cores
    ExecStart=/bin/sh /home/yugabyte/bin/


    Description=Yugabyte Controller
    # Start
    ExecStart=/home/yugabyte/controller/bin/yb-controller-server \
        --flagfile /home/yugabyte/controller/conf/server.conf
    # Stop -> SIGTERM - 10s - SIGKILL (if not stopped) [matches existing cron behavior]
    # Logs
    # ulimit


    Description=Yugabyte clean cores
    # Run every 10 minutes offset by 5 (5, 15, 25...)


    Description=Yugabyte collect metrics
    ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/yugabyte/bin/


    Description=Yugabyte collect metrics
    # Run every 1 minute


    Description=Yugabyte IP bind check
    Before=yb-controller.service yb-tserver.service yb-master.service yb-collect_metrics.timer
    # Start
    ExecStart=/home/yugabyte/controller/bin/yb-controller-server \
        --flagfile /home/yugabyte/controller/conf/server.conf \
        --only_bind --logtostderr
    # Logs

Use node agents

To automate some of the steps outlined in Provision nodes manually, YugabyteDB Anywhere provides a node agent that you can run on each node meeting the following requirements:

  • The node has already been set up with the yugabyte user group and home.
  • The bi-directional communication between the node and YugabyteDB Anywhere has been established (that is, the IP address can reach the host and vice versa).


You can install a node agent as follows:

  1. Download the installer from YugabyteDB Anywhere using the API token of the Super Admin, as follows:

    curl https://<yugabytedb_anywhere_address>/api/v1/node_agents/download --fail --header 'X-AUTH-YW-API-TOKEN: <api_token>' > && chmod +x
  2. Verify that the installer file contains the script.

  3. Run the following command to download the node agent's .tgz file which installs and starts the interactive configuration:

    ./ -c install -u https://<yugabytedb_anywhere_address> -t <api_token>

    For example, if you execute ./ -c install -u -t 301fc382-cf06-4a1b-b5ef-0c8c45273aef, expect the following output:

    * Starting YB Node Agent install
    * Creating Node Agent Directory
    * Changing directory to node agent
    * Creating Sub Directories
    * Downloading YB Node Agent build package
    * Getting Linux/amd64 package
    * Downloaded Version -
    * Extracting the build package
    * The current value of Node IP is not set; Enter new value or enter to skip:
    * The current value of Node Name is not set; Enter new value or enter to skip: Test
    * Select your Onprem Provider
    1. Provider ID: 41ac964d-1db2-413e-a517-2a8d840ff5cd, Provider Name: onprem
            Enter the option number: 1
    * Select your Instance Type
    1. Instance Code: c5.large
            Enter the option number: 1
    * Select your Region
    1. Region ID: dc0298f6-21bf-4f90-b061-9c81ed30f79f, Region Code: us-west-2
            Enter the option number: 1
    * Select your Zone
    1. Zone ID: 99c66b32-deb4-49be-85f9-c3ef3a6e04bc, Zone Name: us-west-2c
            Enter the option number: 1
            • Completed Node Agent Configuration
            • Node Agent Registration Successful
    You can install a systemd service on linux machines by running sudo -c install-service --user yugabyte (Requires sudo access).
  4. Run the following command to enable the node agent as a systemd service, which is required for self-upgrade and other functions:

    sudo -c install-service --user yugabyte

When the installation has been completed, the configurations are saved in the config.yml file located in the node-agent/config/ directory. You should refrain from manually changing values in this file.


To enable secured communication, the node agent is automatically registered during its installation so the YugabyteDB Anywhere is aware of its existence. You can also register and unregister the node agent manually during configuration.

The following is the node agent registration command:

node-agent node register --api-token <api_token>

If you need to overwrite any previously configured values, you can use the following parameters in the registration command:

  • --node_ip represents the node IP address.
  • --url represents the YugabyteDB Anywhere address.

For secured communication, YugabyteDB Anywhere generates a key pair (private, public, and server certificate) that is sent to the node agent as part of its registration process.

To unregister a node agent, use the following command:

node-agent node unregister


Even though the node agent installation, configuration, and registration are sufficient, the following supplementary commands are also supported:

  • node-agent node unregister is used for un-registering the node and node agent from YugabyteDB Anywhere. This can be done to restart the registration process.
  • node-agent node register is used for registering a node and node agent to YugabyteDB Anywhere if they were unregistered manually. Registering an already registered node agent fails as YugabyteDB Anywhere keeps a record of the node agent with this IP.
  • node-agent service start and node-agent service stop are used for starting or stopping the node agent as a gRPC server.
  • node-agent node preflight-check is used for checking if a node is configured as a YugabyteDB Anywhere node. After the node agent and the node have been registered with YugabyteDB Anywhere, this command can be run on its own, if the result needs to be published to YugabyteDB Anywhere. For more information, see Preflight check.

Preflight check

After the node agent is installed, configured, and connected to YugabyteDB Anywhere, you can perform a series of preflight checks without sudo privileges by using the following command:

node-agent node preflight-check

The result of the check is forwarded to YugabyteDB Anywhere for validation. The validated information is posted in a tabular form on the terminal. If there is a failure against a required check, you can apply a fix and then rerun the preflight check.

Expect an output similar to the following:


If the preflight check is successful, you would be able to add the node to the provider (if required) by executing the following:

node-agent node preflight-check --add_node

Remove YugabyteDB components from the server

As described in Eliminate an unresponsive node, when a node enters an undesirable state, you can delete such node, with YugabyteDB Anywhere clearing up all the remaining artifacts except the prometheus and yugabyte user.

You can manually remove Yugabyte components from existing server images. Before attempting this, you have to determine whether or not YugabyteDB Anywhere is operational. If it is, you either need to delete the universe or delete the nodes from the universe.

To completely eliminate all traces of YugabyteDB Anywhere and configuration, you should consider reinstalling the operating system image (or rolling back to a previous image, if available).

Delete database server nodes

You can remove YugabyteDB components and configuration from the database server nodes as follows:

  • Login to the server node as the yugabyte user.

  • Navigate to the /home/yugabyte/bin directory that contains a number of scripts including The arguments set in this script allow you to perform various functions on the YugabyteDB processes running on the node.

  • Execute the following command:

    ./bin/ clean-instance

    This removes all YugabyteDB code and settings from the node, removing it from the Universe.

    If you cannot find the bin directory, it means YugabyteDB Anywhere already cleared it during a successful deletion of the universe.

You should also erase the data from the volume mounted under the /data subdirectory, unless this volume is to be permanently erased by the underlying storage subsystem when the volume is deleted.

To erase this data, execute the following commands from the centos user on the node (or any user with access to sudo):

sudo umount /data
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M

The preceding commands assume the data volume is attached to the server as /dev/sdb.

If there is a requirement to remove the yugabyte user, execute the following command:

sudo userdel -r yugabyte

If there is a requirement to remove the prometheus user, execute the following command:

sudo rm -rf /opt/prometheus

You may now choose to reverse the system settings that you configured in Provision nodes manually.

Delete YugabyteDB Anywhere from the server

To remove YugabyteDB Anywhere and Replicated components from the host server, execute the following commands as the root user (or prepend sudo to each command) :

systemctl stop replicated replicated-ui replicated-operator
service replicated stop
service replicated-ui stop
service replicated-operator stop
docker stop replicated-premkit
docker stop replicated-statsd
docker rm -f replicated replicated-ui replicated-operator replicated-premkit replicated-statsd retraced-api retraced-processor retraced-cron retraced-nsqd retraced-postgres
docker images | grep "" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs sudo docker rmi -f
docker images | grep "" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs sudo docker rmi -f
yum remove -y replicated replicated-ui replicated-operator
rm -rf /var/lib/replicated* /etc/replicated* /etc/init/replicated*  /etc/default/replicated* /etc/systemd/system/replicated* /etc/sysconfig/replicated* /etc/systemd/system/* /run/replicated*
rpm -qa | grep -i docker
yum remove docker-ce
rpm -qa | grep -i docker
yum remove docker-ce-cli

Finally, execute the following commands to delete the /opt/yugabyte directory on the node to prevent failure if later you decide to install YugabyteDB Anywhere on a node that was previously removed using the preceding instructions:

rm -rf /var/lib/containerd
rm -rf /home/replicated
rm -rf /opt/containerd
rm -rf /opt/yugabyte