Install YugabyteDB Anywhere

Install YBA software in a Kubernetes environment

Use the following instructions to install YugabyteDB Anywhere software. For guidance on which method to choose, see YBA Prerequisites.

Note: For higher availability, one or more additional YugabyteDB Anywhere instances can be separately installed, and then configured later to serve as passive warm standby servers. See Enable High Availability for more information.

Install YugabyteDB Anywhere on a Kubernetes cluster

You install YugabyteDB Anywhere on a Kubernetes cluster as follows:

  1. Create a namespace by executing the following kubectl create namespace command:

    kubectl create namespace yb-platform
  2. Apply the YugabyteDB Anywhere secret that you obtained from Yugabyte by running the following kubectl create command:

    kubectl create -f yugabyte-k8s-secret.yml -n yb-platform

    Expect the following output notifying you that the secret was created:

    secret/yugabyte-k8s-pull-secret created
  3. Run the following helm repo add command to clone the YugabyteDB charts repository:

    helm repo add yugabytedb

    A message similar to the following should appear:

    "yugabytedb" has been added to your repositories

    To search for the available chart version, run the following command:

    helm search repo yugabytedb/yugaware --version 2.17.3

    The latest Helm chart version and application version is displayed via the output similar to the following:

    yugabytedb/yugaware 2.17.3  YugaWare is YugaByte Database's Orchestration a...
  4. Run the following helm install command to install the YugabyteDB Anywhere (yugaware) Helm chart:

    helm install yw-test yugabytedb/yugaware --version 2.17.3 -n yb-platform --wait

    You can enable TLS by following instructions provided in Configure TLS.

  5. Use the following command to check the service:

    kubectl get svc -n yb-platform

    The following output should appear:

    NAME                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                       AGE
    yw-test-yugaware-ui   LoadBalancer   80:32006/TCP,9090:30691/TCP   2m12s
  6. Use the following command to check that all the pods have been initialized and are running:

    kubectl get pods -n yb-platform

    The following output should appear:

    NAME                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    yw-test-yugaware-0   4/4     Running   0          12s

    Note that even though the preceding output indicates that the yw-test-yugaware-0 pod is running, it does not mean that YugabyteDB Anywhere is ready to accept your queries. If you open the load balancer IP and see an error (such as 502), it means that yugaware is still being initialized. You can check readiness of yugaware by executing the following command:

    kubectl logs --follow -n yb-platform yw-test-yugaware-0 yugaware

    An output similar to the following would confirm that there are no errors and that the server is running:

    [info] AkkaHttpServer.scala:447 [main] Listening for HTTP on /

    If YugabyteDB Anywhere fails to start for the first time, verify that your system meets the installation requirements, as per Prerequisites for Kubernetes-based installations. See Install and upgrade issues on Kubernetes to troubleshoot the problem.

Customize YugabyteDB Anywhere

You can customize YugabyteDB Anywhere on a Kubernetes cluster in a number of ways, such as by specifying the values on CLI or passing a YAML file to the helm install command, as follows:

helm install yw-test yugabytedb/yugaware \
  --version 2.17.3 \
  -n yb-platform \
  --values yba-values.yaml \

You can copy the preceding code block into a file called yba-values.yaml and then install YugabyteDB Anywhere using this command. Alternatively, you can pass the values using the --set key=value flag. For more information, see Customizing the chart before installing. It is recommend to use a values file and store it in a version control system.

If you are looking for a customization which is not listed, you can view all the supported options and their default values by running the helm show values yugabytedb/yugaware --version 2.17.3 command and copying the specific section to your own values file.

Specify custom container registry

If you have pushed the container images to a custom registry as mentioned in Pull and push YugabyteDB Docker images to private container registry, set the registry address, as follows:

# yba-values.yaml
  commonRegistry: ""

If the registry requires authentication, then create a pull secret and pass the name as follows:

# yba-values.yaml
  commonRegistry: ""
  pullSecret: "mycustomregistry-pull-secret"

Configure load balancer

By default, a load balancer is created to enable access to YugabyteDB Anywhere. You can configure an internal load balancer, configure a DNS name, or disable the load balancer altogether.

Disable the load balancer

To access YugabyteDB Anywhere by other means, such as port-forwarding, different gateway or ingress solutions, and so on, you can disable the load balancer by changing the service type to ClusterIP, as follows:

# yba-values.yaml
  # other values…
    type: "ClusterIP"

If you plan to access YugabyteDB Anywhere via port-forwarding, you need to set tls.hostname, as follows:

# yba-values.yaml
  hostname: "localhost:8080"

For more information, see Set a DNS name.

Use the kubectl port-forward command to access the interface locally, as follows:

# For TLS. Available at https://localhost:8080
kubectl port-forward -n yb-platform svc/yw-test-yugaware-ui 8080:443

# For non-TLS. Available at http://localhost:8080
kubectl port-forward -n yb-platform svc/yw-test-yugaware-ui 8080:80

Set up an internal load balancer

You can add annotations to the YugabyteDB Anywhere service to create an internal load balancer instead of a publicly-accessible one. Because every cloud provider has different annotations for doing this, refer to the following documentation:

For example, for a GKE cluster, you would add the following to your values file:

# yba-values.yaml
    # other values…
    annotations: "Internal"

For an EKS cluster, you would use the following:

# yba-values.yaml
    # other values…
      # used by builtin load balancer controller of Kubernetes "true"
      # required if using AWS load balancer controller "internal"

Set a DNS name

If you want to access YugabyteDB Anywhere via a domain or localhost, you need to set the tls.hostname field to ensure that the correct Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings are used, as follows:

# yba-values.yaml
  hostname: ""

Similarly, if you want to access YugabyteDB Anywhere from multiple domains or you have a complex reverse-proxy setup, you can add those domains to CORS configuration, as follows:

# yba-values.yaml
  # other values…
  - ""
  - ""

Configure TLS

You can configure YugabyteDB Anywhere to use TLS.

Enable TLS

Add the following lines to your values file to enable TLS:

# yba-values.yaml
  enabled: true

The Helm chart will create a self-signed certificate for you.

Use a custom TLS certificate

You can use a custom TLS certificate instead of using the default self-signed certificate. Set the value of certificate and key to the base64-encoded string value of the certificate and the key, as follows:

# yba-values.yaml
  enabled: true
  certificate: "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ..."
  key: "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQUklWQVRFIEtFWS0t..."

Change TLS versions

When using TLS with YugabyteDB Anywhere, you can change the supported TLS versions, as follows:

# yba-values.yaml
  enabled: true
  # other values…
  sslProtocols: "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"

The value is passed to Nginx frontend as ssl_protocols operational directive.

Control placement of YugabyteDB Anywhere pods

The Helm chart allows you to control the placement of the pods when installing YugabyteDB Anywhere in your Kubernetes cluster via nodeSelector, zoneAffinity, and toleration. When you are using these constraints, ensure that you are following recommendations provided in Configure storage class. For more information about pod placement, see Assigning pods to nodes.


The Kubernetes nodeSelector field provides the means to constrain pods to nodes with specific labels, allowing you to restrict the placement of YugabyteDB Anywhere pods on a particular node, as demonstrated by the following example:

# yba-values.yaml
nodeSelector: "node-name-1"


Kubernetes provides a flexible nodeAffinity construct to constrain the placement of pods to nodes in a given zone.

When your Kubernetes cluster nodes are spread across multiple zones, you can use this command to explicitly place the YugabyteDB Anywhere pods on specific zones, as demonstrated by the following example:

# yba-values.yaml
- us-west1-a
- us-west1-b


Kubernetes nodes could have taints that repel pods from being placed on it. Only pods with a toleration for the same taint are permitted. For more information, see Taints and Tolerations.

For example, if some of the nodes in your Kubernetes cluster are earmarked for experimentation and have a taint dedicated=experimental:NoSchedule, only pods with the matching toleration will be allowed, whereas other pods will be prevented from being placed on these nodes:

# yba-values.yaml
- key: "dedicated"
  operator: "Equal"
  value: "experimental"
  effect: "NoSchedule"

Note that tolerations do not guarantee scheduling on the tainted nodes. To ensure that the YugabyteDB Anywhere pods use a dedicated set of nodes, you need to use nodeSelector along with taints and tolerations to repel other pods.

Modify resources

You can modify the resource requests and limits set for the various components of YugabyteDB Anywhere, including CPU and memory resources, as follows:

# yba-values.yaml
  # other values…
      cpu: "4"
      memory: "5Gi"
    # optionally set limits
      cpu: "5"
      memory: "8Gi"

For more information, see Memory resources and CPU resources.

Similarly, you can modify the values for Prometheus and PostgreSQL containers which are part of the chart, as follows:

# yba-values.yaml
  # other values…
      cpu: "2"
      memory: "6Gi"

  # other values…
      cpu: "1.5"
      memory: "2Gi"

Run containers as non-root

The PostgreSQL and Nginx containers always run as non-root. To run the rest of the containers as non-root, you can set the following values:

  enabled: true

Set pod labels and annotations

Kubernetes resources, such as pods, can have additional metadata in the form of labels and annotations. These key-value pairs are used by other tools such as Prometheus. You can add labels and annotations to the YugabyteDB Anywhere pods as follows:

# yba-values.yaml
  # other values…
    annotations: "200m"
    labels: true true

Specify custom storage class

The storage class used by YugabyteDB Anywhere pods can be changed, along with the size of the volume, by using the following values:

# yba-values.yaml
  storageClass: "custom-sc"
  storage: "200Gi"

You should use a storage class that has been configured based on recommendations provided in Configure storage class.

In addition, it is recommended to set a large initial storage size, because resizing the volumes later is challenging.

Delete the Helm installation of YugabyteDB Anywhere

To delete the Helm installation, run the following command:

helm uninstall yw-test -n yb-platform