Prerequisites for YBA EARLY ACCESS

What you need to install YugabyteDB Anywhere

You can install YugabyteDB Anywhere (YBA) using the following methods:

Method Using Use If
Replicated Docker containers You're able to use Docker containers.
Kubernetes Helm chart You're deploying in Kubernetes.
YBA Installer yba-ctl CLI You can't use Docker containers.
(Note: in Early Access, contact Yugabyte Support)

All installation methods support installing YBA with and without (airgapped) Internet connectivity.

Licensing (such as a license file in the case of Replicated, or appropriate repository access in the case of Kubernetes) may be required prior to installation. Contact Yugabyte Support for assistance.

Supported Linux distributions

You can install YugabyteDB Anywhere using YBA Installer on the following Linux distributions:

  • CentOS 7
  • Alma Linux 8
  • Alma Linux 9
  • Ubuntu 18
  • Ubuntu 20
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 7
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 8

YugabyteDB Anywhere may also work on other Linux distributions; contact your YugabyteDB support representative if you need added support.

Software requirements

  • Python 3 must be installed.

Hardware requirements

A node running YugabyteDB Anywhere is expected to meet the following requirements:

  • 4 cores
  • 8 GB memory
  • 200 GB disk space


Ensure that the following ports are available:

  • 443 (HTTPS)
  • 5432 (PostgreSQL)
  • 9090 (Prometheus)

These are configurable. If custom ports are used, those must be available instead.

For more information on ports used by YugabyteDB, refer to Default ports.