Create a KMS configuration using Google Cloud

Encryption at rest uses a master key to encrypt and decrypt universe keys. The master key details are stored in YugabyteDB Anywhere in key management service (KMS) configurations. You enable encryption at rest for a universe by assigning the universe a KMS configuration. The master key designated in the configuration is then used for generating the universe keys used for encrypting the universe data.

Encryption at rest in YugabyteDB Anywhere supports the use of Google Cloud KMS.

Conceptually, Google Cloud KMS consists of a key ring containing one or more cryptographic keys, with each key capable of having multiple versions.

The Google Cloud user associated with a KMS configuration requires a custom role assigned to the service account with the following KMS-related permissions:

  • cloudkms.keyRings.create
  • cloudkms.keyRings.get
  • cloudkms.cryptoKeys.create
  • cloudkms.cryptoKeys.get
  • cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToEncrypt
  • cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToDecrypt
  • cloudkms.locations.generateRandomBytes

If you are planning to use an existing cryptographic key with the same name, it must meet the following criteria:

  • The primary cryptographic key version should be in the Enabled state.
  • The purpose should be set to symmetric ENCRYPT_DECRYPT.
  • The key rotation period should be set to Never (manual rotation).

Note that YugabyteDB Anywhere does not manage the key ring and deleting the KMS configuration does not destroy the key ring, cryptographic key, or its versions on Google Cloud KMS.

Create a KMS configuration

You can create a KMS configuration that uses Google Cloud KMS, as follows:

  1. Use the YugabyteDB Anywhere UI to navigate to Configs > Security > Encryption At Rest to access the list of existing configurations.

  2. Click Create New Config.

  3. Enter the following configuration details in the form:

    • Configuration Name — Enter a meaningful name for your configuration.
    • KMS Provider — Select GCP KMS.
    • Service Account Credentials — Upload the JSON file containing your Google Cloud credentials.
    • Location — Select the region where your crypto key is located.
    • Key Ring Name — Enter the name of the key ring. If a key ring with the same name already exists, the existing key ring is used; otherwise, a new key ring is created automatically.
    • Crypto Key Name — Enter the name of the crypto key. If a crypto key with the same name already exists in the key ring, the settings are validated and the existing crypto key is used; otherwise, a new crypto key is created automatically.
    • Protection Level — Select the crypto key protection at either the software or hardware level.
    • KMS Endpoint — Optionally, specify a custom Google Cloud KMS endpoint to route the encryption traffic.

    Google KMS

  4. Click Save.

    Your new configuration should appear in the list of configurations. A saved KMS configuration can only be deleted if it is not in use by any existing universes.

  5. Optionally, to confirm that the information is correct, click Show details. Note that sensitive configuration values are displayed partially masked.